Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

No, what happened was that they changed it so after the first tap, and up to I think it’s 8 taps after the first, multiple people can pick the node. In theory, this helped prevent the bad feeling of seeing a node, only to lose it to someone else.

What actually happened: Multibots made flocks of druids 10 druids deep, which immediately depleted all nodes as they hoovered up all the resources in a node. So instead of seeing someone steal a node from you, you walk up to the node, and find that there’s nothing in the node. That’s what causes the “empty resource node” effect, multibotters.


Does that mean we can have our lootarang back without doing the cata engineering… please!

That isn’t what I said. According to the post you are under, the software here was being used by botters as well…

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<-----BYE! Maybe now farming mats will be worth everyone elses time to do.

Nice try! Not used in game

Alright let me rephrase this since you didnt understand. Please read this slowly and repeatedly I don’t wanna have to type it out multiple times.

Multiboxing is not cheating. Multiboxing was never cheating. This announcement still does not declare multiboxing cheating. If you disagree with any of the previous three statements go reread the official Blizz stance. If that does not make it clear to you, go to your local library and rent a book on symbolic logic. A few chapters should make the difference between some, all, or none clear. Then after learning that reread the Blizz post again and you will see the initial three statements for this paragraph are all true.

Multiboxing does give an advantage to people playing more than one character at a time. Multiboxing has disadvantages that playing one character at a time does not. Since you understand the difference between some, all, or none you realize if I provide one advantage and one disadvantage you will then clearly understand why the first two assertions of this paragraph are true. The multiboxing advantage for PvE is that you can gather more items (herbs, ores, monster loot) with the same amount of key presses as a solo player. The disadvantage to multiboxing is that you have to pay more in order to use extra characters simultaneously. Bonus disadvantage, you have to control more than one character at a time. If pugging M+ has taught me anything it is that some people struggle just controlling one character so obviously there exist some people that struggle with controlling multiple.

Now we have established that multiboxing is not cheating by Blizzards terms and service, and we have established that multiboxing has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s now prove the case some of you forum users don’t seem able to understand. Let’s work with the following assumptions. I think these are all fair assumptions to make but if you do not like my definitions provide your own (assuming they make sense and are agreeable to the general public ) and I will prove my case to still be correct.

  1. Cheating is getting an unfair advantage
  2. Cheating is doing something deemed wrong by the game developers.
  3. Something being fair for a video game means that any player that takes an action gets the same result as any other player that takes the same action.

Since it is the case that any player doing an action gets the same result as a multiboxer, (let’s say they control 5 accounts) but the multiboxer by merit of having 5 accounts gets 5 times the results, then it must be the case that either multiboxing is not cheating or that the devs have said somewhere “multiboxing is cheating”


I’m so hurt. Good one. :rofl:

Pro Tip: Don’t say stupid things if you don’t want people to make fun of you for it.

Rest in peace, preparedwow.

I think we are at the stage in history where people have decided that they care more about justice, fairness, looking out for your fellow human being then worrying about economic matters and making money at all costs, I mean the way people been voting around the world during this corona thing has proven that.

So the critics of this decision might be right that it may cost Blizzard financially a little bit in the short-term, but in the long-term they can see which way the wind is blowing, that a lot of players are sick of the unfair play multiboxers have caused, so I think although yeah a lot of subs will be canceled and they might suffer temporarily…it is merely a setback.

At the end of the day, the majority of people want the game to be fair.


I actually do care. I don’t like ever to see a decent player leave the game. I have a different view of the game to you, in that I believe playing the game on multiple characters is not in the spirit of WoW where we create a character and play that character through the story. I believe we should play the game one character at a time because that’s how it is meant to be played, and that playing on multiple characters reduces it to a mechanism to gain an end result rather than experiencing it one-on-one.

But that’s just my view, and I know many players see things differently. I hope that at some time you reconsider, find a way to enjoy the game again and come back. But if not, I wish you well in whatever fun things you do.


You do realize that in the age of sharding, realm population has little to nothing to do with resource nodes spawns, right?


Here’s a good question: is just having AutoHotKey installed a bannable offense? Or, is only using it with regard to multiboxing bannable? How are determining the difference, since, though I don’t multibox or use it for that, we use AHK for a few things with regard to work. I can’t remember the last time I used it locally testing something for work, but I have in the past and do still have it installed. Since I very rarely need to use it anymore, I can isolate use of AHK to another PC but that’s annoying, and I wonder about people who also use AutoHotKey for non-WoW related stuff, and I wonder if just having it will be an issue…I remember when Valve Anti-Cheat first launched, just having Microsoft Visual FoxPro installed would trigger detection…luckily Valve fixed that, but questions like this are important for people using legitimate-for-things-besides-multiboxing software like AutoHotKey and whether we need to unistall it completely to be within the TOS changes.


I don’t think I’ve ever even reported a player; I don’t even know how to do it in game rofl

And that’s sustainable between 5-10 accounts in that are the issue with multi boxers. Not someone playing 2 accounts having to spend timing managing both between screens or alt tabing between windows on one screen.

I’m glad you’re leaving. Go ruin a game somewhere else.


No that’s not bannable to just have it. This software, as well as keyboard and mouse macro software has legitimate uses.

Using it to automate key presses in game (1key > 1 action in game, for example using delayed or repeats keystrokes) is bannable and equivalent to botting and automation


Even better one, a pro tip from a child!

Maybe my last post was too generous to Blizzard.

Maybe the reality is that they have now made more then enough money to not need the extra income from the multiboxers anymore, so the party for you guys is over now, you are simply no longer needed.

I have no idea how they are going to police this. I’ve been using AutoHotKey to multibox WoW for 14 years, and am waiting on actual Blizzard response confirmation that something I’ve been doing for so long is something I’m going to get banned for.

Here is a link to a thread on these forums where I post my script:



I actually
I have
I don’t
I believe
I hope


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