Hi Leia =)
I don’t know why some people have given you grief. What astounds me is, they strike this odd tone that seems to imply you’re somehow an INFERIOR player for running multiple characters at once, when any thinking person would recognize that the exact opposite must be true!
I mean, it’s a given pretty much anyone can play “a” WoW avatar. But playing two at once? THREE at once? Four, five? Who in their right mind could think that is EASIER! It’s extreme multi-tasking, not for the elderly or the faint-hearted!
I myself have had two WoW accounts since December 2004. And yet even I am not a true multi-boxer, because I use just one computer and alt-tab back and forth between my two characters, playing them only in solo PvE as a rule (it is a rare occasion anyone can convince me to group both at the the same time, though I can do it, just not well, since I can only “see” on one character at a time).
To be able to control multiple characters at once is extraordinarly demanding, takes a lot of mental energy, as well as exceptional hand-eye co-ordination slash motor reflexes. Again, it is not for amateurs. To be able to multi-box even reasonably well takes exceptional skill, and i commend you for yours! ;D
BTW if last Christmas you were the Five Furbolgs (did I spell that right?) pelting people in Ironforge with snowball barrages, ROFL! That was a hilarious sight! =)
If i were young enough to do what you’re doing I’d prolly give it a try myself! ;D