Policy Update for Input Broadcasting Software

Next step can you remove all honor levels gained by players using multiple accounts to parallel farm by afking in epic BGs.

Not doing so further fuels the joke of “exploit early, exploit often”.


Correct. However, there have been cases before of Warden making mistakes. It;s mostly been misdetections but I suspect/hope that their detecting software has improved since then, especially if they have been working on this move for some time.


Weren’t nodes changed to be unique to players a long time ago because people complained that people farming was depriving them of nodes?

No. For servers like mine, with people who dedicated-farm, and with the sheer number of people here, it would make gathering professions absolutely useless/moot. Which would make the flask/any other crafted item/consumable market useless that relies on herbs or mined nodes. Even boosting the spawn times wouldn’t help. It’s fine as they’re implementing. People who want to have a million characters to gather nodes, now have to actually work to do so. And if you just so happen to end up halfway back 50-100 yards behind someone who’s also farming, then you don’t have to sit there until someone flies past you/wait for the node to respawn somewhere in the area and hope you picked the right timestamp on the RNG to get your nodes.

People who are arguing in favor of keeping this mess as-is, are part of the problem. Having the game adapt for the overall increased population on higher-pop servers and beyond, is not.

In funnier words; multiboxers who use a bot to control AH markets and make my gathering/crafting profs pointless, get rekt.


Thank you blizzard multiboxing is such a plague, now us honest farmers can get back to it


just means more bots now

He’s the king of multiboxers :smiley:

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It adds up to the same thing. They’ve targeted the way I play the game, and playing sillybuggers with the rules is a fast-track to bantown; we have to respect the spirit of the AUP, not the letter - and the spirit is that one person should not be playing multiple clients at the same time. I don’t want to be a healer slogging through dailies and WQs, or a squishy mage taking world elites down to 4% before dying when I could have my party with me to play the game I want to.

“So get friends” they can’t play on my schedule, nor I theirs. I shouldn’t need someone else’s permission to play.

I disagree with what they’ve done, but it’s not up to me. Paying for three subs doesn’t entitle me to three votes. Or any votes, really; it’s their game. They can do what they want and they don’t need a reason. We multiboxers all knew this going in. It’s unfortunate that a small number of us decided to use the program to be a jerk to other people, but they have, and if this is the “best” answer acti-bliz can come up with then our options are to either accept it or leave. I’m content to leave. I’ve had a good run. Not that anyone else would know it. Or care.


Blizzard is cutting off the whales, starting with the biggest.
The beginning of the end of WoW.


For those of you asking, here is my AutoHotKey script:


I linked it in this thread a year ago when I started playing Classic. :slight_smile: Hopefully I won’t get banned for it! :smiley:


Can we please get an answer if this includes hardware multiplexers or not? They do not use any kind of special software or automation. They just allow a keyboard to be connected to more than one PC at a time.

Thank you.

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Agreed. I’m sure bots like the druids on the murloc shore in azuna weren’t using something like ISboxer.

This software was used to supplement botting…

Yes, they were. The main complaint now is on Classic with Black Lotus and this change will have zero effect on that problem.

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at least gathering professions will mean something now :ok_hand:


No. They stay spawned for something like 10-15 seconds, so that anyone in the area who is also farming, doesn’t miss out.

Or maybe they’ll still be there because this is addressing a possible branch, not a root. Maybe this should’ve been playing in your head https://youtu.be/8B5sCHik3Xw?t=180

Wow, honestly didnt see this coming at all.

Thanks for letting us know!

ah yes person playing 40 account totaly the same as one bot

I don’t know, because I will be farming them myself. I leveled a druid for a reason.