Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

Or it might be due to topic spamming.

It’s not Sunday yet lol.

You know Guy = Male right?, Girl = Woman yes?.

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Thank you for understanding.

Get Woke, Go Broke.

Factually proven to be true over and over and over. The vast, overwhelming, majority are not extremist on either side of the isle, and do not want real world identity politics in their entertainment.

Honestly I wish Blizzard would delete the LGBT crap threads on the forums and ban the OP’s. This is a Fantasy RPG, and that kind of stuff has no place here, but since Blizzard is located within the People’s Republic of California, it won’t happen because you know, they gotta signal them virtues…

I mean it’s Humanbeak so it’s definitely bait.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t a valid request though.


Saw Humanbeak make some multiboxing threads too so my working theory is that they also multibox GD :joy:

Because the character is a GUY. You have to be joking.

Because a Fun GAL isn’t a male.

According to Merriam Webster a gal is a woman or girl, not a male. As much as people want this stuff to be interchangeable it simply isn’t.

He is. He knows, just like the other posters who make these threads, that Blizzard won’t remove these threads and that these threads get a lot of attention.


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Look up the Merriam Webster definition of guy :rofl:

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Because definitions and terms of the English language are funny. Sometimes I laugh at people who are professionals in a field that I’m not in, too. Next time I’ll use the urban dictionary, it’s probably more fitting and truthful to many people these days anyway.

That’s extra cute because I actually work in publishing lol

Doesn’t make it less funny when people break out the “Merriam Websters defines ____ as…” like it makes a point :joy:



We’re talking about titles.

No need to extrapolate out to a ludicrous edge no one is asking for.

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I know you’re saying that to be snarky but the truth is you are right, and shortly after being introduced in popular modern vernacular, new words and new definitions of established words are added to the dictionary all the time because language is always evolving.

I’m not an expert though. I can’t keep up with modern slang and I’m not even an old timer.

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Which really means nothing in this case. This dealing is with the proper use of the English language, it has nothing to do with a woke topic.

Azeroth isn’t earth, maybe on Azeroth “Lord” isn’t necessarily male. And even if it is . . . who cares, it’s just a title.


I don’t think anyone can. There are new things that pop up on a seemingly daily basis, people just make stuff up on a whim and call it a scientific fact.


(all language is made up)

(thanks for coming to my Ted Talk)