Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

How you even managed to equate “give us more title options” to “free race changes” is beyond me.

Titles don’t affect gameplay, genius. It’s just a freaking title.


Don’t judge me bigot


I’d love to know how you managed to jump to that insult so nonsensically. :roll_eyes:


As stated before, I truly see nothing wrong with this idea. It affects no one in a negative way. And I wouldn’t think that it would be that difficult to implement into the game. Not that I am a programmer So I may be wrong.

Great suggestion in my opinion

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Why stop there? Why not let people choose male or female body types regardless of gender choice on character creation? How about converting all character models to plain grey cylinders? Or maybe go full custom and let us have toons with breasts AND a bulge? If theres anything WoW needs, its more super duper mega ultra wokeness!

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This isn’t even bait, you just yeeted the whole rod into the pond

Cyberpunk 2077 has this already.


Thats quite horrifying. Probably a good reason i never played that game besides from the terrible buggy launch, that other stuff would have turned me off real quick.

May I honestly inquire why this would be a problem? In all honesty if this were to happen, how would this affect your playing the game?

I can understand if someone was bothered for what ever reason of seeing a group of pixels that have the form of female being called by male pronouns. I don’t agree with it. But I honestly could consider that a argument.

But unless you are playing from their chair. You will never even know that their character has a different gender selected.

And as for the titles, is there a true reason that would be a problem?


Why make strawman arguments?

This isn’t some “woke” thing. It’s just titles to give people more options. Lady of War sounds stupid to me. I’d actually try for the title if I could be Lord of War. Why does that offend you?


This is why we can’t have nice things.

Umm, this is a role playing game, your character has a completely different self-identity than you do, it doesn’t have to mimic you perfectly, it means you suck at role play.

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And my character just wants to look swank with the Lord of War title. Thanks.


I think that your request is insensitive to people with traditional gender views.

I honestly don’t believe we’ve had it wrong for the past few thousand years.

Live and let live.

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I think other peoples gender views are none of my business and that options like these wouldn’t hurt anyone one bit.

Options are optional and something like this wouldn’t be game breaking.

I also like the idea of getting two titles for the price of one.


Well, come to think about it… my character could be Crazy Cat Lady due to suffering PTSD from my entire starting zone being burned to the water and the closest zone being in a state of war. Yea, let’s do this!


Seriously, though. This thread is bait and made in bad faith.

make a male character and you have it

you didnt even have to ask


Politics aside, “Baron” sounds cooler than “Baroness” by a mile!