Please Unlock Gender-Specific Titles, Regardless of Character Gender

I know you’re saying that to be snarky but the truth is you are right, and shortly after being introduced in popular modern vernacular, new words and new definitions of established words are added to the dictionary all the time because language is always evolving.

I’m not an expert though. I can’t keep up with modern slang and I’m not even an old timer.

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Which really means nothing in this case. This dealing is with the proper use of the English language, it has nothing to do with a woke topic.

Azeroth isn’t earth, maybe on Azeroth “Lord” isn’t necessarily male. And even if it is . . . who cares, it’s just a title.


I don’t think anyone can. There are new things that pop up on a seemingly daily basis, people just make stuff up on a whim and call it a scientific fact.


(all language is made up)

(thanks for coming to my Ted Talk)


This has NOTHING to do with Woke and simply having to do with wanting options for titles.

Jumping Jesus christ on a pogo stick . . .


Yeah that’s true. But on the topic of new words, I am not a fan of a lot of internet lingo becoming commonplace in every day talk in the real world, and even ending up in the dictionary. It’s canon now. xD And internet lingo sounds so stupid sometimes.


I thought I was fun and it didn’t matter the sex .Oh I’m confused about all of this.


Anytime someone suggest more diversity or gay pride stuff a lot of people come out to flag it.

It’s almost like people are tired of the same spam threads from the same few posters.


but it’s not a diversity or gay pride stuff.

It’s freaking titles. I want to be “Fun Guy Sunzsu” because I think it’s a better pun. It has nothing to do with gender.

It’s literally just more options for a line of text by your character’s name.


Some people have just based their entire personality around raging at the slightest whiff of social progress.

Hasn’t really worked to stop it for the last century or so but I guess hope springs eternal.

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Fun Guy and Crazy Cat Lady bother me I can’t use on the opposite gender.

I understand Fan Gal is also a pun, but Fun Guy just feels better as a pun.


Fun Gal is less funny than Fun Guy because Fun Gal sounds too different from “fungal” but Fun Guy sounds just like “fungi”

and I’m sorry if I offend anyone but I have always considered “guys” to be gender neutral, I use it the same way I use “y’all”


You’re right, we should really add more old content to current patches. Some updated version of old dungeon like deadmine would be nice.

I use guys and girl as gender neutral. Like, “Girl please.”

If someone asks me not to use it for them, I respect that, but in general, they’re neutral in my vocabulary.


Same. And I generally only use “girl please” with friends or people who I know already know I am not calling them a girl. It’s more like “gurl” or “grrl” (like that Beauty and the Beast spoof)

Ask the males who say they call everyone “guys” or “dudes”, “Okay, fine. How many guys (or dudes) have you slept with?” At that point we discover there are still strong gender associations with the words.

This thread is something people want and you’re posting in bad faith.

No. I want it on this character. And there’s no reason it shouldn’t be.

No. I don’t want to swap genders.


This is no longer universal: the Lord of Mann, a title held by the Queen of the United Kingdom, and female Lords Mayor are examples of women who are styled as “Lord”.

You know you’re incorrect, right?

Me having a title doesn’t affect you and isn’t “identity politics.” I’m not even LGBTQ+.

Guy is gender neutral these days, just as dude is.

It can be if people stop giving a crap about what someone does with a stupid title.
