Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

Determination, grit, and great btag buddies queuing with me to circumvent the XP difference. Lol I’ve improved a lot this season but I don’t feel like I’m a comfortable Duelist by any means. But I appreciate the vote of confidence. :smiley:

It’s a useless change that no one mentioned till it happened. To hard for you to understand?

As a poster above posted, he is indeed an elitist.

Here is a thread proving it.

Yeah, I was like 2 games off 1800 and saw you in LFG. Same with my Druid, but that didn’t go so well. xD

people have brought up wanting the elite set to be 2k again several times over the last 4 years wym lmao

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I usually agree with a lot mud says but now he’s getting an ego and changing his personality some what.


Yep as someone who originally got into pvp for the 2k sets, when they made it 1800 they stopped feeling cool


What ego lmao

Where and when? Haven’t seen it in a very very long time.

Obviously satire. lmao

And that’s entirely how you’re supposed to do it and feel and this system promotes that.

Half the difficulty of arena is actually making friends.

But people here saying THIS IS JUST FOR TOKEN SALES is such a disgusting attitude

It should take determination, grit and friends to get the best looking armor sets in the game

This is where


Applies the fullest, the “well im not even gonna try now” for 1950 ffs is a pretty pathetic vibe imo

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i’m nothing special, but getting my first ever elite set in mop is the most memorable pvp achievement i have. saving up that conquest and owning the physical pieces of it just felt so amazing

im so tired of every shadowlands warrior looking like my paladin


I agree revert to 1800 for Elite set completion please

In mmos, your armor/mog is the most noticeable thing, so elite sets have always been memorable more so than glad mounts imo

I remember when I hit 2100 in RBGs last season and my body almost exploded as I zoomed to the upgrade station to spend my honor. Oddly I felt a great deal less excited to get it this season, in spite of it being twice as hard. Lol

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If you want there to be incentives for people to get better at the game, there are many many other things that could be done first.

Things like:

  1. Making a WoD gearing system the norm.
  2. Fix the match making system so that you can’t run into literal 3k players.
  3. Schedule weekly pvp tunings so that you don’t have months of the same 5 specs dominating the ladder.

If you want to incentivize people to get better, simply make the game fun to play for everyone and not just the fully geared people. This game is miserable when you’re undergeared.

That’s not something that ever happened or will ever happen

Best blizzard could do rlly was every 77 days or so

Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t. Lol does it

There is no way people are this pressed over 150 rating. This is actually a pretty nice change since 1800 was already piss easy.

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no but like, how?


But also keep elite sets 2k and titles %