Please revert elite set completion to 1.8k

Ya just be realistic in what you ask for, weekly tuning also probably bad for the game imo because then you can never rlly find what the “meta” is

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God forbid people play what they enjoy instead of the meta… :man_facepalming:

Ya sure but then “playing what you enjoy” becomes a mess of trying to figure out how to play it optimally because in a week it could be completely different xd

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Weekly tunings would remove the need for huge changes like we get now. It would be stuff like “5% dam reduction on TV”. Nothing big.

And just slowly tune things as needed

I think it would be best done every 3-4 weeks maybe. Hard to tell what needs changed in a week.

Anything would be better than what we have now.

Sure but BfA cemented rlly that blizz likes slow changes for some reason

Unforch blizz likes to throw at making their game insanely good

I remember that patch note…That was when I KNEW they were done with pvp.

Muh meta growing ORGANICALLY


More like “we don’t have enough resources to balance pvp so we simply aren’t going to try”.

Metas do grow organically?

Necro warriors and necro monks are perfect examples of this.

They have always been amazing but without any changes they became the meta as people caught on.

Only positive spin I can put on your personal dilemma is I started the season playing a slow-moving, bread box with mana issues. After being absolutely emasculated by early season DH’s and WW’s I decided to try Priest out, and it’s so much more fun than I had on Hpal.

I got like 5 or 6 knocks on EoTS the other night, MC people off cliffs, have accidently DC’d people with MC in arena matches, got a ton of KBs with MG/SWD. And my personal favorite; the ‘ole fly into the air and make DPS waste their CDs’ trick.

Had Hpal remained an overtuned stomp machine, I never would have realized how much I love trolling people with cheap gimmicks.

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Anyway, good fight boys. Drop me your Disc tags and I’ll send you all some Thanksgiving-themed foot pics to bury the hatchet.

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Never understood why people even bother with these. I don’t remember the last time elite sets were good and since they’re no longer class sets everyone just looks exactly the same. Everyone is an npc.

Class sets at 2k or a bit higher maybe.

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That would be great. Maybe they can finally finish off pvp. Awesome idea

Yes. If we had class specific sets, yes. Regardless, we don’t have those right now, and further, changing rating requirements mid season is bad form. No changes to rating requirements for cosmetic trophies (elite sets, tabard, enchant, etc) should be made in the middle of an ongoing season.


Good reading. However, I just would like to point out that Dozer is a closet racist. Carry on.


Big facts. At least we can all agree on that.

It’s so sad I have to wait 2 more hours to report you for trolling…this is an obvious joke, but it flew over your head.

I think this is 100% the reason. If im not mistaken, didn’t they have to lay off a lot of people earlier this year? Not sure if that included wow employees.