I’d like to know if those of us with the vanilla Collector’s Editions are getting our pets in Classic. These aren’t “crossover” items, they’re tied to your account.
They are for a different game so no. There is no classic collectors anything yet…to even be in game.
Blizzard said they want an “authentic experience”, so yes.
Also, it’s version 1.13, so again, it is the same game.
How about this then…in this very forum there is a blue post or 2 where they say you are absolutely not getting a single damn item from your live game in your classic or the other way around. They have said it will NOT happen. They are separate games.
Except it’s NOT from the live game, it’s flagged on my ACCOUNT.
Can’t wait to get my CE pets!!!
Either 0/10 troll or too challenged to argue with
Or…you’re just wrong.
CE pets were mailed to the people who had their account FLAGGED. These aren’t items that dropped for you in-game as the blue posts were about. My account is FLAGGED, therefore I’ll be expecting my CE pets on day one. I can’t wait!
Well you have to wait and long time because you are not getting CE items for a different game in this one.
Except it’s not a different game, it’s a continuation of the same game.
I wonder if I should use my Mini Diablo or my Zergling…
A goat after my own heart.
What about the original Collector’s Edition pets? Surely that’s a different case. Nothing else is like that and it would be a cool little tip of the hat to those who got the original collector’s edition (which isn’t many people).
The CE pets should be allowed in Classic. They were delivered in-game, but technically not items you got in-game as drops, your account was flagged. It would be a slap in the face to CE owners of Blizzard didn’t allow them in the “authentic experience”.
But you already cashed in on that and have them available in retail.
So then how are they used in classic?
“Authentic experience”, remember?
Experience though, not “stuff”
The only and I mean only motivation I had to play classic was a chance or armors gained in classic having appearances unlocked on retail example T3 but w/o that being a thing I’m going to pass. because screw BMAH T3 and i’ve that that since bmah started
I have a feeling that blizzard will not slap CE owners in the face. Can’t wait to get my pets in classic!
Okay! See you never! Have fun or something in BFA!
It’s a slap in the face!
This is something interesting but nothing decided or concrete on it.
I would try to seperate in your mind retail and classic. Something you buy on retail shouldn’t give you something in Classic, or vice versa. The philosophy is pretty rock solid that they are separate gameplay wise. If you obtained the original CE pets you used those/can still use those in the live game you obtained it for.
It is an interesting thought though, that to some that did have it, that was a part of their classic experience. It’s likely we won’t implement something that ties into the existing things you own on the live game, but maybe reoffer them since Classic is it’s own thing. Before the fury of that statement sinks in, I’m not saying that will happen at all (there literally hasn’t even been a discussion of it), just sharing my thoughts on a solution to that problem that I could see.
This also could be an exception where we somehow grant them for original CE owners. No idea. Interesting thing to think about though. I’ll mention it though that you guys are asking about the original CE pets for original CE owners.