So because people already roll on something they aren’t going to use it’s okay to add other reasons for them to do so?
In that case you should just leave your house unlocked and post a sign saying as such. People break into houses anyway.
So because people already roll on something they aren’t going to use it’s okay to add other reasons for them to do so?
In that case you should just leave your house unlocked and post a sign saying as such. People break into houses anyway.
I’m not talking about guild runs. What if your in a pug?
PuGs aren’t your problem Mat. People do all sorts of stuff in PuGs.
Again, we don’t need to be adding reasons for people to roll on loot.
I have to wonder if you even want to play classic at all. You’re all for changing this or adding that.
I said it earlier, there’s a reason why Classic became BC. Trying to ignore problems for a long time results in these massive sweeping changes.
And you have a problem with people rolling on loot? You say that like 99% of the loot in Classic isn’t already available on live.
You’re just all exaggerations here man.
Except the reason they released bc was to continue the story.
The whole reason for classic existing is to go back to what was.
Not to fix the issues. Not to improve it. You have that. In BFA
Alot of the quest rewards were removed. Zg gear is gone. Dungeon set and dungeon set 0.5 is gone and tge only way to get t3 is spend oodles of gold on the bmah
I’m not offended I just think you don’t want classic. Which your actions tell us.
Why not just add the old raids back to retail WoW? People then wouldnt be asking for this kind of stuff if we could just farm it out on retail.
I cant see any reason why the old ZG mounts or proto drakes cant be added back or any other removed raid.
I would imagine if they don’t want to add it to Classic with the argument that it diminishes the achievement of those who did it back in the day, then that still applies to BfA WoW.
Though in general if Blizzard did want to give BfA players a chance at those items outside of the BMAH, then it should be done by re-adding it to BfA rather than some kind of “Get it in Classic, unlock it in BfA” system that people are asking for.
People with no interest in Classic shouldn’t feel compelled to play it just for cosmetics in BfA.
Their reasoning is that it makes having those things less special.
I mean the reasoning there is so awkward.
This an item collecting game. Blizzard stated that with their collection systems.
But, they think certain items shouldn’t be collected because it makes them less special. That is… wow…
Yes and just like every other game, there is always time sensitive stuff.
I’ll say this. The one thing I find most interesting about this whole situation is Blizzard’s own stance on it. We’ve seen blues and heard from Devs at Q&As say they want stuff to remain special. He even said, not to diminish the rewards. Time and time again, stuff gets brought back. BMAH and other events. I mean, hell. They brought back the Grand Marshal and High Warlord title and allowed you to earn the PVP transmog. The most prestigious things from Vanilla PVP. Then brought back T3 via BMAH.
I don’t get it…
Feel I need to mention, as I said in my earlier post in this thread, I completely agree that it would 100% cause issues in the classic community and should not be a part of the regular Classic servers, at least. But, if they ever add special Classic servers, I don’t see why not.
The point is, there’s no reason for Classic collections to appear in retail. Besides, it’s already been confirmed that Blizz isn’t doinh that.
no its not its giving the people who believe retail wow sucks an opportunity to love the game again.
Look, guy. The real fact is that the majority of supporters of Classic here and on r/wowclassic as well do not want retail/classic reward linking in the game. Also, the majority wants as little other messing with the game as it was in vanilla as is possible, with the understanding that a perfect 1:1 recreation is impossible. Many of us (I am one of them) believe that small tweaks down the road may be something to look at; however, it’s important to first launch the game and play it and see how it shakes out.
Your overly aggressive and rude attitude about all this is what’s in the minority here.
Thank you!
We’d also have to deal with people selling carries for gold.
wanted to touch on more than just this at some point, but this one right here is something that will end up happening no matter what, we can look to pservers to see.
They love an entirely different game.
Hence keeping them as separate as possible.
You are correct that “it might keep the servers up longer, and that matters more than whether it changes them in such a way that people who want Classic no longer want to play on them” is not the mindset of people who…want Classic.