Please nerf the guardian druid mage tower

Oh ya I see haha. I guess a lot can happen in 15 hours. I guess unless someones mentioned it already, in phase 2 to help make things feel less overwhelming try to limit your time in the centre of the room as much as you can. You will need to strafe as much as possible, but not having the green puddles in the way when you need to get an orb can easily make the kill. I probably lost 5-6 kills on my druid because puddle placement screwed me over and that little tap of the stun from the orb would have saved the day.

Yeah I don’t know lol. I get krull now everytime get him to 15% best I think last try was 13%. The first phase is hard but doable but the 2nd phase you need to be 100% on the ball. I am throwing in the towel waiting for the nerf. I can’t anymore lol

Get the Unlblinking Gaze of Sethe trinket & the punch card trinket. Just these two trinkets alone will probably make up 30% of your dps.

I’m still working on completing as well. Have over hundred of attempts easy so far since Tuesday and I spent a month learning the fight back in December. Just keep at it. You’ll get it eventually.

You also want drums, the unbridled fury potion, and shadowcore oil. If an armor piece can have an enchant get the enchant. It helps. There’s an armor kit you can buy too.

The best thing you can do for this challenge is taking a step away when you begin to feel tilted. You will only get diminishing returns on your progress and won’t be able to see clearly what you need to ensure the kill. If you’re at 13% you can absolutely do it with better uptime on the boss.

At a minimum take this if you can. This by far made the biggest difference for me.

I did it Tuesday after about 90 attempts. Watch some youtube guides. Get consumables and some recommended trinkets.

This is not a gear issue. Gear isn’t even a factor until maybe the last few Kruul percentages.

If you’ve only gotten to Kruul 4 times in 112 pulls, it’s 100% a skill issue/strategy issue.

173 was the number of pulls it took me to complete the mage tower for Guardian Druid. You can do it! I think I only saw Krull like 8 of those times too.

And that pretty much sums up the modern gamer culture.


The skin is a whole new form for bears. The animations change the walk the jump everything changes. No one gives a care about some stupid re colour of armor. This is for a bear form that is better then the 4 legged raccoon we have. Ya we get it guys your favourite streamer had done the challenge or you know someone who has . But the majority of players are struggling hard with this just look at the forum posts.

That’s a bit bizarre, even without proper gear I was getting to Kruul. Kruul was the true hard part. What’s your bottle neck? Where are you failing? What’s stopping you from getting to last phase?

Have you considered getting good?

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I am getting to him Everytime now. Just keep failing second phase

Thats a big improvement from 16hrs ago.
Well, same question but for phase 2.

Just the amount of damage. I am Interrupting Krull when needed I just am getting out positioned and destroyed. But like I said before I gave it a fair shot I no longer want to attempt this. Maybe the next expansion will give guardians a nice default bear form

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Mage tower is supposed to be challenging that’s the whole point. Keep trying or take a break, its not going anywhere.

imo people are using the orbs wrong. or rather, in a less effective way. use the orbs to delay the second annihilation for as long as paw sible

here is my kill and post. perhaps seeing how i handled phase 2 will be helpful.

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Second annihilate definitely felt like it was the hardest to top health off for.

no, dont you understand that such would just mean that they have to tune it every patch? they got M+ and Raid bullđŸ’©slowing them down as is, do you want more content or less? stop being a zombie and think.

Yes but how many people can actually do just that? I don’t personally know anyone who legit completed any MT challenge in current whatever gear.

I seen a few videos, one fresh boosted frost DK, one guardian druid, one ‘balance’ druid using moonkin form to complete the tank challenge and about 40000000 survival hunters in the first couple of days.

There may have been more, just no evidence, but when you look at the majority of the posts here, the guides on YouTube and every other site and when they are all telling you to get this and that OP item and enchant, you have a problem.

So yes the mount is less than 1%, and according to Wowhead (again, not 100% accurate so sue me) there is about 8% who have at least one challenge done.

But that 8% includes the free SVT challenge in the first couple of days. It includes the OP crusader enchant that people were using for a basically free fury warrior challenge, it includes cheesing the tank one to ensure the first boss does not spawn the crap on the floor.

That 8% includes everyone who done the challenge by using some cheese strat or abusing mechanics for a free win. There really is no way to gauge exactly how many did it legit and how many can actually finish by using any old gear, but based on the amount of complaints all over the web on here and other forums, I don’t think you guys who tell us it’s ‘easy’ have a leg to stand on.

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And I know about a dozen people who did it wearing whatever garbage they were wearing.

To be expected