Please nerf the guardian druid mage tower

So did you do all 7 or more of your challenges using any old character with any old gear? Some of them maybe, like the frost DK and DH tank one, those at the time were basically free.

But others like the bear challenge, feral and a few others I forget, highly unlikely someone was able to complete them in any old gear without some sort of cheese mechanic. Even more highly unlikely anyone could have done that without 5 days of MT being re-released in the last Legion TW.

No one around here is going to believe you if you come out and say “Yeh I done 7 (or more) in crappy SL gear without cheesing it or using the ‘free’ specs to get it done” unless you can provide video proof showing what gear you were wearing on all challenges as you were doing the challenges.

Mathematically it’s possible to do all 36 specs in crappy gear, but no one here is that skilled to just pull out a level 50 character with iLVL 76 gear and pull of that feat, not even one person could do that, not especially within the first couple of days of the tower being released in the last Legion TW.

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Yeah, something like that.

I wanted the book.

personally i havent gotten around to it yet, busy leveling alts and climbing to 252 with double leggos, when i’m done i’ll be doing MT on all 36 specs.

Holy cow, 2% versatility? Come on, sacrificing secondary stats and then trying to buy them back with sockets is a loss.

This is mostly BC timewalking gear with 27% vers:

No one here will ever believe you no matter what you have to say.

Good luck because since the nerfs/buffs/removal of cheese strats from the first couple of days, I have not ever seen even one person pull of that feat, not even one person anywhere on the internet who legit claimed it was even possible without using old gear or broken strats.

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never said i’d get it done on all 36 before 10.0 hit. lol i’m bound to be missing the more nerfed to :poop: specs.

Imagine being so bad at the game that you think nobody can do it in regular shadowlands gear. lol


It’s the mage tower challenge, not anything hard or special. I just wanted the funny Mountain Dew bear to sit around the city with asap because I saw so many “Druid mains” who couldn’t do it.

Plus my healer said he’d do it before me, and I couldn’t have that.

What color is your favorite fedora?

eh? i dont think i get the reason for the question.

The stat further gets less accurate when you want to ask what is the actual success rate of the challenge. sure 8% have it, I dont want a data point that counts people who haven’t tried.

yeah these forums really attract people who want to complain about something. its really not indicative of a whole at all.

maybe i glossed over it, but I haven’t really seen anyone say its “easy”

The primary pushing back comment I see is that it is just supposed to be really hard.

pretty sure there are videos of the bear one in only shadowlands gear.

When the tw mage tower came out earlier, i was in a ton of the threads, and it was clear after some digging that most people doing the bear challenge one who struggled, were doing something fundamentally wrong. it wasn’t that the challenge was too hard, but that they refused to learn what the crucial mistake was.

it probably wont happen, dont give up! it took me like 200+ pulls to kill him. Its head banging frustrating but totally worth it at the end

Clearly. I’m still peaking in. Even going days w/o looking. It sucks when the bad, argumentative ppl ruin the fun.

Op, how is it going?

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The legion raid trinkets are really good and the one from iskar in HFC mything in WOD
That one did a huge amount of dmg over all.

Its mostly about the right trinkets and socketable gear to carry you through. Its a faux tank challenge as its mostly dps it down as fast to final phase as possible.

It is very frustrating, but get you a seed pod from the nightmare raid first boss, literally melts the ads in p1 drop it on the boss and adds get your 5 stacks and then bounce out and repeat

stay in bear form and thrash just outside the decay aura while you run and dot the eyes should be able to get to p2 with max 2 internals up and close to going down which will give you max up time on krul without dodging stupid knockback.

Consumables are your friend I bought drums and didnt use it on the kill cause the run was going well I didnt feel I had to use them. And definitely do not have to boomkin to get him down.

I am not the best geared nor most skilled bear out there but definitely doable just got to nail the mechanics.

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Bear druid mage tower took me 2 pulls, and only cuz the batteries in my mouse ran out on the 1st one.

yeah I am sure it did man.

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Get some old gear, makes the fight basically 2x easier.

I have. I can get to krull everytime now just got him to 26k health thats my best. giving up need a serious break from this

Hmmm wat trinkets ye got? I used the gaze seethe trinket along with dragonling.
Used pots and lust.