Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Now apologize to me about making up conspiracy theories

I’m waiting… :nail_care: :crown:

No, there is plenty of substance that all the Tulns are the same Tuln.


Oh? still waiting… :nail_care:

No keep you weird lgb3ct+ politics out of the game. We play games to escape and enjoy ourselves, not to have your weird agenda thrown at us both in real life and in video games.



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Seeing more and more of these topics about speech control spreading on the forums.
Totally agree about the name calling and all, but have you or your group(s) considered petitioning for a realm of your own? Not like proudmoore where it’s unofficial, but like an official realm where your group(s) can go and be amongst yourselves?

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Yes, please.

And here we see he finally shows hes Talonel with the nail painting which he does often and all the time.

Checkmate sister. :tea:


With them manufacturing bizarre job positions at blizzard left and right and outright hiring a veteran groomer from Disney - you may as well forget it there will be a constant onslaught of this stuff even outside the typical troll threads like this.

Good god I wish my wife would go play something else so I could too, I don’t remember this in my vows - to love cherish and hold your hand through quests and pet battles. :scream:

Uh, just go play something else. If she doesn’t like it, too bad? Grow a pair.

If you want to search in the search bar for “:nail_care:” Then you’d find a lot of people that frequently use it, including in another thread you’re trying to run off topic on your own alt with. Guess they’re all the same person all along, such a conspiracy theory.

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Two people used a sassy emote therefore they are the same person!!!

Yeah nah still not buying it especially not from you. Your reputation is no better. If you’re gonna be a handler keep your pets on a shorter leash.

For all the forums sanity.


Hopefully this’ll fix mythic plus toxicity.

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Talonel has this twisted comic book super villain philosophy on how to protect the WoW community. It’s really simple: Destroy It.

Reading some of his rants honestly reminds me of Ultron from the Avengers movie. Right down to his attitude towards anyone he argues with in forum threads. He doesn’t care about honest discussion, he just wants to out people so his sockpuppet army can ban people.


Well you OP and pawzer all have one thing in common. You’re irritants best dusted into the ignore bin. So be you the same or not in this way you trolls now are 3 peas in a pod. It can only benifit the sanity.


So mute me then, I just want a cute rainbow tabard.

And you prove mine. An instigator and one who does not know what youre even yakin about.
Majority of the LGBTQ and trans players all tell the 2 to stop and I’m on that side of the isle. So what ever youre huffing thanks for the laugh. At least now I know while I may have autism you have some serious fractures in the frontal cerebral cortex cognizant of a bicycle accident.

I get it youre mad. I would be too supporting trolls and thinking that is the lgbtq while ignoring the actual LGBTQ and trans players here telling both to stop for days now of the obvious trolling. You mental issues are worse then mine if you belive what you say…

Your disassociated lapses are making you backwards. Or as always youre simply trying to get a rise. Well its certianly making laughter rise from my lungs so thank you.
I needed ablaugh on the 22nd anniversary of my nanas death to make me smile.

A pleasant night to you.
I shall not reply again as it will only further your spiraling mental state.


Then keep waiting cause literally everyone in the GD can smell your nonsense lol


What did I instigate when I was responding to you, who was trying to instigate something in the first place?

They tell them to stop, tell others to stop responding to their threads… Yet continue to do so, just as you do. Call them insults and other behavior which isn’t very becoming of said community, I’m fully aware. I was more referring to Gore and others who you have regurgitated some of their talking points.

See what I mean? You try to make it all about my mental health as projection to take away from your own, since you don’t know anything about my own.

Not at all, clearly you are considering you’re the one resorting to personal insults and everything else because someone dared talk back to you.

Also here, you try to make the claim that I, or others are not LGBTQ+ or trans simply because I pointed out a flaw in your logic of assuming someone is someone else with such flimsy evidence as ‘they use an emote a decent bit of LGBTQ+ people use frequently’.

Call anything you don’t like, don’t agree with ‘trolling’ which at this point you use it more than certain people call everything ‘woke’.

Mine’s not spiraling, but continue to make light of such things for those that are actually affected by it.

Intentional misgender by someone with a very fitting name.

You just replied to someone who went ballistic on me, but hey thanks for proving my point on the kind of people on their side.