Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

So glad a lot of the left is finally waking up after drinking the kool aid that the crazies were shilling.

Hopefully society can move past the real racists and bigots like op and pawzers.


I disagree. There’s not a reason not to look into including more rules into the social contract.

No, no we are not.

Stop trying to speak for us.

No, no they are not.


Why don’t you just get a tougher skin?

In fact, why does this even come up in normal gameplay?

The fact I’m gay has no bearing at all on my gameplay and if someone has an issue with my sexuality I don’t care. That’s their problem. I move on instead of wanting rules and regulation.


I consider myself to have a tough skin but others may not. We need to not assume everyone won’t take negative words and phases the same way. Mental health is very important and spewing toxicity on a public game is very bad for individuals just looking to play the game! This is how triggers happen.


why do you have 3 consecutive post about toxicity


Oh man, the stars are aligning! Avel in a Tuln topic?

what do you mean?

Two posters that post multiple topics a day in the same thread; I’ve never seen it before.

i have never posted about the same thing in multiple topics in one day or even remotely close to one another

Not the same thing, just multiple topics a day.

i dont even post my own topics anymore and even when i did it was hardly multiple topics a day.

I mean, I don’t “care” that you made the oopsie, but it wasn’t a spelling error; it was a common word replacement error that I’ve seen many times…and I definitely noticed. It’s akin to “could of” instead of could’ve or “ringer” instead of wringer or “intensive purposes” instead of intents and purposes.

I don’t make a habit of correcting people on this forum b/c, as you said, I don’t really care…much. But I noticed.


As a girl in gaming, I understand getting exhausted with one’s group identity being a constant target of nastiness…but what I’ve learned is adding ways to report the bad actors won’t really change anything. You can’t make people be kind. You can’t make people who don’t like who you are like you with rules. It just doesn’t work.

I mean, sure, if people want an extra reporting label, go for it. I fully support it. I just think your optimism about its potential for efficacy is unwarranted.

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I think the dialogue box to add details works better than more options; more control in the players’ hands.


Agreed. 100%


These people are crazy they think I’m another forum poster named Talonel… just conspiracy theory drivel.

i think they think i’m someone else too :scream_cat:
these kinda people :scream_cat:

I think I got you mixed up with Aevila or however you spell it; your names are too similar.

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its cool alot of folks do that /salute

I usually read only the first few letters and look at the profile, so it doesn’t help you’re both Blood Elves.

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