Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Why is it you always are attacking people with family members statement?

Is it because you actually have no family members who actually care about you?


Me killlng you repeatedly has nothing to do with who you like to bed. I have a quest to kill 25 and you are an easy kill. Don’t assume my intent.


You clearly are single, lol.

Happy wife, happy life is NOT a suggestion. :crazy_face:

I think you mean:


I love that emoji. It’s such a joy to use :blush: :nail_care:

More importantly, why does anyone expect anyone else to care when they treat everyone they come across so poorly?


I don’t see any poor treatment except for few and mostly in game through trade chat and other public channels. I care about the game having less toxicity and glad blizzard is doing exactly that.

Sorry sir, but I don’t care.


Well I wasn’t talking about that.

But we will see, so far all we’ve seen is a reiteration of the rules. It’s up to Blizzard to enforce it though.

I am not.

Didn’t have anything to do with being forced to play a game I didn’t want to.

Like I said…

Then you can leave the thread. Bye :wave:

Sorry, but you’re not a gatekeeper nor would I listen to you if you were.



God please leave with all of your hate & degrading speeches.


Luckily hate speech is not allowed, so we can just report him for it.

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I mean I am sorry for what happened to that that person but toxicity happens to everybody not just one specific group to be fair.

I haven’t read the social contract yet but I would assume it pretty much comes down Don’t be mean The problem is with that though what you define as mean is in the eye of the individual.

Yes there are obvious things like if you well you certain slurs and what not obviously you’re doing that intentionally.

90% of the time at least there are some very minor exceptions but again I just hope it’s not a Spam reporting system because that can be easily abused.

I do hope it helps with the toxicity though I certainly do I can speak for myself people aren’t nice Now we could make an argument some of the game’s actual features and systems encouraged that but you know that’s another argument I would say.

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Why is asking for more adjustments to the social contract considered that to you? I’m very confused on why you’re attacking me for my opinion.

You are great at playing Twister, I see.

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You’re asking for special treatment even though everyone is protected equally under the contract.

Equally. I can link you the definition if you’d like.

But you’re a sociopath, so who knows if you can even comprehend.


MY final points of your argument. I went to an alt to keep this convo out the post. Your claim that I “name dropped you” was also false as on the alt I stated a rage worgen.

I never said your name. You outed yourself and brought drama into the post. I was on the alt so as not to have this scuffle be walked back on to know it was you I was talking about.
But you outing yourself and starting the tyrade well you did that.
Anywho this whole weeks a touchy one as its trama from my childhood and my emotions run high.
I’ll leave it at that…

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