Please give Twinks their own bracket in BGs and get them out of normal BGs

it used to be that way, and it is that way now. they were only separate for an expansion or two, and they lost subs from people like me when they did that

you dont have to run bgs at 111 with crap gear, wait until you are geared instead or just hit 120

The old days are long gone, gear disparity is and should be a thing of the past.
Blizzard is clearly aiming for balance for all within BFA instanced PVP gearing.

Contrary to what the masses would like to believe,
the greatest brackets are the most balanced.
Balance/ Accessibility create a healthy competitive PVP environment.
110 and 111-119 are not like the other brackets in terms of Balance and Access.
We all deserve competitive games! right??

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I don’t think you get my point.

Gear barely matters from 10-109. It has some effect, but a good player can still handle themselves and games are competitive.

More than gear, it’s specs that are the problem in low levels but that’s a blizzard problem.

I’m saying that the 110 and up twinking is not done to be competitive. If it was, you’d almost want your own bracket for balanced teams.

Once a player hits 110, bgs go from competitive while leveling to just stupid damage from players who are literally running current content for gear but don’t want to pvp at max level. That’s not competitive.

I have no intention of twinking at 119 because I don’t see any fun in one shorting people or just deleting them because I’m massively op. I want healthy competition and games where skill>gear. That exists even with twinks in every bracket below 110.

this thread is about separating the queues which i am absolutely against. if 110-119 sucks then we can just not play it if we are under geared

i had nothing against playing at the level cap in the past i just didnt like bfa.


I’m against separating queues but for some sort of balancing so the upper brackets are more competitive. It just sucks to level through bgs and have good games only to hit 110 and it’s “who has more twinks” wins.

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The funny thing is that I feel the same way when I’m fresh 120. Stomp 120 fresh players is okay?

So interestingly enough I just did an experiment (you can check the thread on templates) where I dumped gear into void storage and played bgs at sub 230 ilvl (worse than almost any fresh 120 and worse than even 110 twinks).

I did surprisingly ok. On a warrior it wasn’t great, but I never got stomped. On my boomkin I was top 5 damage with no issues either.

120 has some sort of defensive scaling to make playing smoother between fresh and geared 120s. Sub 120 doesn’t handle this well.

It was drastically different than my experience in 111-119 or even 110 bgs with a 210 ilvl. There I got deleted in a few global with no chance at survival. At 120 I could survive and fight even if I still lost.

I literally used a gurthalak (cataclysm raid weapon) and did over a million damage at 120.

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Fresh 120 can barely do 1M damage. Ur competing with players with the best azerite traits, 60+ neck and better gear, you can die less but becoming competitive is another story. And in low level battlegrounds you die in some global cooldowns, right. Comparing the two situations, still not fun in both cases. And add premades to the problem list, your fun is completely ruined. If there is a change in low level battlegrounds, it should apply to 120 also, equal rights to all.

Freddy is out science guinea pig. After all the experiments, he has 3 ears and 14 toes.

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I literally ran bgs with entire pieces of gear missing, at a 228 ilvl and did significantly better than an even remotely undergeared 110 or 111-119 can do in those brackets.

120 is definitey more balanced in terms of scaling than the bracket below it.

The scaling of 110 and 111-119 is either non existent or completely out of wack by people twinking to 300+ ilvl.

you don’t actually level out of twink brackets until 120. you leave one hole for another.


GY pinning is a viable tactic.

There’s ways to counter it too.

Focus fire is a smart tactic and not just limited to those with good gear.

You’re a mage, stop trying to 1v4 people and do what you’re supposed to be doing… team support.
CC wins more games than raw damage.

The level 120 does not matter anymore !! We are all going to create Twinks!

You’ve posted this on damn near every twink thread out there, even resurrecting a few old ones from months back.

Show me on the doll where the big meanie twink touched you.

The best part is that you didn’t even fully read the thread you posted, they changed their minds later on in the post :rofl:

What’s a twink ?.. serious question .

Google the word.

And make sure to watch any videos that may pop up, that will really give you your answer.

Funny … but seriously