Please give Twinks their own bracket in BGs and get them out of normal BGs

“Twinking” - Gearing aimed for best in possible slot.

At 120, “Twinks” are called “Geared”. No difference.

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This makes too much sense. The problem are the lazy alts. These guys are crying in hopes that bliz will give them free stuff.


they just want to try to enjoy leveling. doing quests or dungeons is not enjoyable at all.

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Then don’t bg if you’re going to cry, PVP isnt for everyone :wink:

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You expect special treatments. You will get special treatments.


Let’s hope you don’t have to quit.


There’s a wonderful display of maturity while bumping a dead thread.


Just using the same rhetoric as we get from the twink community. What can’t take it back?

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Is this rhetoric now?
Seems a tad harsh tbh.

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Lol honestly some of you lot have lost your sense of humor. Nothing worse than is thrown at many of the folks here wanting twinks in their own queues. It’s like a pack of wolves.

Sounds like my favorite Tauren Chieftain song.

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Ok I take it back and changed it. I don’t want the twinkie winkies crying. There there, come to mummy.

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I absolutely love your responses.

What they need to do is balance premades. If one side has a 5 player premade, so should the other side.

Yes please! I will return to doing BGs on my lower level toons if this happens. Till then I refuse to be a target dummy for twinks. Twinks have killed low level bgs for me and countless others.


Yes, we saw that on the other 3 posts from you.



Adding to each discussion. Sorry if that upsets you for some odd reason.


With all that is happening in WoW, it is interesting to see an “Active PVP Account”
utilizing the first forum visit to these “Twink” threads prime time NA. :ok_hand:

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I have an issue with the current state of the game, I’m surprised you find it interesting that I would express it on the forums. Odd really.


A major adjustment is underway, lots of awareness being displayed from Blizzard within the lower brackets.
Enjoy BFA.