Please give Twinks their own bracket in BGs and get them out of normal BGs

In the under 120 brackets in every new character I do, the twinks make battlegrounds horrid.

There is no fun to be had when someone has stopped their XP gain to artificially gain a advantage over everyone else.

In just about every game it has come down to “whoever has the most twinks wins and everyone else doesn’t matter”

Seriously; if you want to twink your character, please don’t destroy everyone else’s fun to do it.

Honestly, above a certain item level for a bracket range should be it’s own bracket. That way all the twinks can play against each other and leave the more normal people to play BGs the more typical way.

And does anyone know the point of the ability to freeze your xp? What was the original intent?


Can you keep the complaining about twinks to one of these threads?


It was to allow levelers to obtain Direct Experience within Battlegrounds.
(Battlegrounds before pre Cata patch did not reward direct experience.)
And in trade, the existing veterans within the brackets could chose not to gain any experience. It was designed as a win win situation for both parties.

more threads=more discontent. if anything we need MORE threads for this.


Leveled several toons no problem people need to get over it the only bracket that I have seen that s been bad is 19 and 110 and 19 is mostly due to op classes


Im sorry Oak but that is just not true. Some Twinks in every bracket are using exploits and glitchs. Most of these advantages are passed on by word of mouth but some info can be found on twink websites. This information is kept very hush hush and informative posts are deleted often. If youre getting two shotted by someone that shouldnt be able to, they are using a glitch/exploit. I have an example of a few of these glitches/exploits and was thinking of starting a sharing thread, one such exploit takes two people and involves a guild bank. If everyone does it, they wont have the advantage any longer.


More threads= spam.

It’s actually easier for feedback to be passed on if it’s all in one thread,

LOL, yeah okay.


If they were serious they would just report it to Blizzard and not dangle it in front of us., report it.


Please explain this one. And why are “Twinks” doing it?

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I support this. Twinks makes BG boring, and most people during the BG complains by chat about their presence. The people who don’t complain about this, is probably because have twinks too. I don’t know what is the solution, i’m not a MMO developer, but as a customer i can tell that this is not good.


I am unable to link directly, but go to xpoff dot com and search “lf someone to glitch doing free glitches stop wasting your money” Sorry, but this is current as of today and not a joke Diago. Secondly the method is well hidden but I found an older version to show you that basically is the same thing. That is found in www dot ownedcore dot com called Thread: [exploit]head and shoulder enchants for twinks. There are others, my point is, its not just that we cant play as well , or our gear is not as good, its this ^


What did the G bank issue have to do with “Twinks”?
What was it anyway?

3 posts and not a single post that it was legit of it being true, the guy even said people would back him up for it and not a single one did, I call out fake scam if anything.

Not even going to bother with this, shoulder enchants are still around, helm enchants are discontinued.

You dont understand. Clearly you didnt read either websites post, its about putting higher level enchants on lower level items but keeping the higher stat, I guess that flew over your head :frowning: Oh well. I tried.

No one in my bracket even does this, the closest thing that was done was obtaining an item from a BFA zone early xpac. But that was dealt with asap.

Heirloom shoulder can accept all forms of shoulder enchants.


Show me a char that actually has this going on

So this one has nothing at all to do with “Twinks”.
Am I correct?

go to xpoff and look at the list of people asking for the “service” and the list of people offering the “service” sigh.