Please fix vanish!

Thank you for posting a video, exactly what is happening to me as well even when you sprint run away 15yards and then use first vanish it’ll fail just as you see on the second vanish attempt in the video.

I’m amazed that there hasn’t been an blue post regarding this.
They did fix Hunter’s FD…
Did this rogue vanish problem exist in Vanilla?


Vanish had problems during vanilla. However, they were fixed in a patch in I believe 1.10 or so. Could be wrong on the actual patch but it was fixed about a year and a half into vanilla.

I distinctly remember very similar problems happening during the first year and a half of vanilla, then it being patched around mid 2006. I remember that, when it was patched, I was astounded vanished would work 100% of the time! It felt so much more powerful and more usable.

I’m hoping they patch this bug soon.

Streamer beta test


Wrong, they didn’t fix hunter’s FD.


There was a short immunity added to Vanish during TBC to prevent things like this from happening.

Vanish was always problematic, even back then.

It was, but this is different. The vanilla issue was almost imperceptible relative to the current bug.


It would be nice to hear from a blue about this. It is so blatantly broken I can’t believe they haven’t even acknowledged it yet. I can’t even pick pocket farm dungeons atm because I lose more gold from repairing then I make.


Just fought another rogue in open world, we were standing right next to each other and both vanished at the same time. I tried to sap, he cheap shot me. Batching should have both gone off, my sap failed because he was in combat.

You can vanish stuns, so he didn’t vanish my sap or get put in combat early by cheap shotting me. He just never left combat.

I can unfortunately confirm that when a rogue is vanishing my autos will still go off breaking vanish almost instantly. Something is wrong with the way they are queueing combat into spell batching


Vanish is just a cosmetic ability right now.


This is exactly the bug that I’ve been seeing as well. Super annoying.

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I was testing in BRD and have had the EXACT same thing happen again and again, around the same distance post sprint, no incoming dmg, mobs just don’t deaggro.

I tested around 4-5 times, same result everytime.


Please look into this. Game breaking for rogues.

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Thought I was bad but I vanished twice while sprinting away and still get hit out of stealth.

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Hello? Blizzard? Is that how you operate now? Rob the masses by producing dog crap and calling it gold and then when people complain about it you ignore them?
Yet you’re so focused on pushing out new content, like DM. Maybe you should fix what you broke before releasing more broken crap?
Whats astonishing to me is that you guys did a better job releasing this game 15 years ago than you did now, at least you listened to your community then.


Question - Is vanish just broken in PvE or PvP as well? I am seeing like current Classic videos the past few days of rogues vanishing in duels and it working fine. I haven’t played a rogue in Classic yet though so I’m not really sure what the bugs are like. The only vanish bug videos I’ve seen are in PvE environments. What’s vanish like in PvP?

Honestly, I have not done too much pvp, so can’t say for sure. For me, it has been working without noticeable issues in PvP, and I have not observed any glaring problems.

However, a lot of others HAVE reported significant problems, such as vanish taking forever to actually happen or being autoattacked out of vanish in pvp fights.

Now that I have been dabbling in PVP more. There are some major issues with vanish.

In vanilla I could vanish and immediately reopen with cheap shot or garrote. Here I have issues doing this. As there is a delay with my bar flipping over to the stealth skills. Often times I hit vanish and end up using my out of stealth bar ability instead. Totally ruining my opener in the process.

This was not something I encountered regularly vanilla - but here I can duplicate it 90% of the time.

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Vanish has been working as much as it did in Vanilla. Just get used to using it more and figure out it’s kinks.

that was my first thought as well. Spell batching was the “band=aid” blizz threw in to make classic combat feel like vanilla with the new eingine. it unortunately has some downsides to it. They need to re-think they’re strategy IMO because it’s breaking some critical class functions just so combat “feels” more vanilla-like.