Please fix vanish!

I’ve posted about this and seen countless others post about it and blizzard has yet to address this issue.
Vanish is not dropping target right away as it should so Vanish is constantly being broken by auto attacks from players, there is a massive delay on Vanish that is game breaking. Here’s what you do blizzard, take 2 rogues, fight each other, and watch them as they break each others vanish. Easy test. Blows my mind this was never discovered or addressed in the beta, did you guys even test the game before releasing it?

EDIT: So I’ve noticed a few other bugs recently. I will continue to add as I play, until blizz sees fit to grace us with a response.
Distract is a bit awkward. Say you’re attacking target A, and have combo points on them. Target B approaches from behind you, so you distract them to avoid aggroing. Distracting target B will wipe the combo points off target A despite never dropping or changing targets. It appears, for whatever reason, the game thinks distract is an attack on target B and registers it as such, thus removing the combo points on target A.
I’m not exactly certain whats causing this bug, but please look into it.

EDIT 2: So aside from all the other bugs I’ve mentioned, which have thus far not been addressed or acknowledged, I’ve stumbled a couple more to pile on the list:
Hunter’s flare is a major issue, I’m uncertain why this happens, but if you get flared by a hunter, running out of the flares radius does not remove the debuff immediately as it should. I tested this several times with my brother, who is a hunter, and when he flares me, I sprint and run out of the radius of it, I’ll sometimes be 10-20 or so yards from the thing and the debuff remains on me for several seconds after getting out of the radius and I cannot stealth or Vanish. Someone else test this and see if you come up with similar results.
Another bug I seem to have encountered…You can’t stun a mage after he blinks. Which is just laughable. I’ve attempted on many occasions to stun a mage immediately after their blink and it registers as “Immune”. There is a delay, you have to wait a second after his blink to land the stun, otherwise it just says “Immune”. I feel like I don’t have to explain why this absurd. Mage Rogue fights are typically fast paced fights, if your reaction time is slow, you basically lose. But this bug basically forces slow response time when I have to wait a second or two to stun a mages blink. Again, someone else please test this to see if they experience similar results, or I’m just imagining things.
In a nutshell, rogue is pretty janky right now.


This is probably the same thing that is causing Feign Death to fail for hunters, there is some weird delay in leaving combat and it’s screwing up the abilities that require you to drop combat. Also noticed this on my rogue once i got vanish, which is pretty damn funny because i rolled the rogue to get away from the hunter FD bug… FFS


Blood Rage puts me in combat and gives me rage but only for 10 secs… but always there is a delay to drop it. I will be mashing my charge button after it ends but I am still in combat. The Debuff has vanished but still I am in combat for an additional 2 secs.

On top of that a lot of times it’s hard to drop combat let say you try to tag a mob someone else tags. They get it so you decide to leave but you can’t get out of combat until they kill the mob! Ummm what?? If I stop attacking and run away you should drop combat. You aren’t attacking. You shouldn’t need someone to kill the mob you hit.


If only there was some way to create a macro that would /stopattack and/or /cleartarget when you pressed your vanish button.

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Probably because some people for some reason wanted spell batching, now you get this fake delayed feeling that makes the game feel broken at times. Personally, I wanted classic for the gameplay and experience, not artificial server lag. just imo


While that is annoying, that is true to vanilla and not a bug. The other stuff with Vanish and Feign Death is a bug though and should be fixed.



Yes it should be. Is that still an issue with what I have with blood rage getting back in combat. It’s a 2 sec delay.

If you haven’t attacked anyone while blood rage was active, then yeah combat should drop right after the blood rage buff expires, not 2 seconds after the buff fades. Might be part of the same issue.

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Yea I am not attacking anyone in this situation. As Prot we use it between mob pulls to keep Rage going in. However I have to stop and wait after the 10 secs and the debuff drops for another 2 secs before I can charge the next pack. Sometimes it gets me in trouble because I am expecting to be out of combat and I am not.

Yeah that’s a bug. I remember there was one patch where combat did kinda bug
out like that with blood rage, but that was like mid vanilla and it wasn’t just blood rage affected then, combat would persist for several seconds after any fight ended. That was definitely fixed long before 1.12 so it shouldn’t be happening in Classic.

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Tried that. I’ve tried everything. That’s not the issue, the issue is that your enemy has you targeted for a second delay when you Vanish, which causes something like an auto attakc to break it. This shouldnt happen, your enemies target on you should be cleared instantly when you hit vanish.


I think the same troubled mechanic that is causing FD not to work is also afflicting Vanish.

Combat should drop immediately when these moves are activated. Yet, all you’re getting is the animation.

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A macro has never been needed for vanish to drop combat… lmao. I truly don’t understand why people like you even post. You’ve obviously never played a rogue.



Vanish is the macro that takes you out of combat!

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My guess: some abilities worked outside of batching because when they need to happen now they need to happen NOW -but- some of these abilities are probably on the batching request.

There’s a lot of unreliability and general “lag” to a lot of stuff that never was there in Vanilla, even with slow internet. Pets are insanely slow to act, provided they actually do what you command them to.

I feel in Blizz’s wanting to keep batching at 400ms they mucked up a lot of stuff in the process. I don’t ever recall the game playing this way in Vanilla, some of the most basic stuff going off with major delays that feel more like insane lag than they do batching, and it’s not all abilities. So there’s something majorly wrong about it.

Truthfully when I heard classic was being made my first thought was how fluid it would play today with modern machines and internet and somehow it’s worse. Don’t know how Blizz managed that, but it’s worse.


Classic is an absolute mess. I can’t believe this p.o.s. made it out of alpha, let alone beta and now release. Fixes aren’t coming in fast enough. It’s embarrassing. Unless Blizz is shamed into putting more work into this, I doubt this stuff gets fixed by the time they release TBC (i kid?).


Honestly, I doubt anyone at Blizzard today even knows how these classes are supposed to function.

However, rogues and hunters have the same problem; i.e., inability to drop aggro. It’s this mechanic that needs fixing and NOW. Neither class is fully functional without these abilities.


I have a suspicion it’s probably related to their fix for server heartbeats. I imagine there were somethings that were probably handled client side (ie combat dropping) that arn’t anymore. This is the only real reason my uneducated butt could see for this type of behavior change. It’s also probably not something that’s an easy fix without setting up and exception for specific combat dropping like abilities or behaviors. This is also probably low on the priority list given the kind of issues we’ve seen with aura capping.

This is a bug that was in Vanilla, i beleave at the time they put a short immunity window into vanish and maybe feign to correct it like .25/.5 sec to counter act the bug.

trying to vanish when something is about to hit you probably won’t work. what does work.