Ill say the same thing I said in another vanish bug thread.
Bump. Because I’ve had multiple occasions where my stealth bar doesnt even appear. The vanish animation poof goes off, but I dont even enter stealth. Feels like the person targeting me doesnt even drop target.
There are some very minor bugs that were purposely kept in for the integrity of vanilla. I dont think class breaking bugs such as this are what they intended.
Yesterday fighting a rogue I was naturally recording to show my ELITE GAMER BOI SKILLZ but more importantly I started recording to capture bugs, specifically pet bugs during combat but I spied a Vanish issue during the fight.
On the playback I’m estimating 85/60 frames or 1.4 seconds from the frame I see the Vanish smoke to the time my target is finally gone. I say estimate since there’s a few frames that may or may not be the start of the smoke animation so I started counting from when I 100% could make out smoke.
Additionally, I was able to still see auto-attack animations, run animation, the rogue moving, etc while the rogue faded out. In Vanilla I remember when I heard the POOF and saw the smoke the toon would be frozen in that spot on the final frame of the vanish animation, usually with a hand up in the air - except not here.
I remember (hopefully my memory serves, I’ve fought off enough rogues in Vanilla without escapes) losing target near instantly in Vanilla.
Again, I think a lot of these delays to stuff like this, hunter feign death, general pet lagginess/unresponsiveness to be a part of how the server batches or ticks. If any of the order of execution is wrong and timing affected by how the mechanic parses it’s flow through retail but retail having a faster batch (near instant) then that could be a huge issue. I feel the same is with pets since pets started getting messed up in Legion which carried over into classic.
There’s no reason why I should still be able to land dots on you after you hit vanish. I don’t ever recall that being a thing. If they were on you before then sure, but not after you cast it until you reappear. Just like with hunters and feign death or pet behavior with hunters and warlocks, there’s issues here that need to be addressed.
For the record I have no rogues or hunters in Classic. So it’s not like I’m trying to stealth get this fixed for my own toons - I just don’t think it’s right to have issues like this. If I get opened up on and you Vanish the moment before I come out of stun, I shouldn’t have the time to land dots to bring you back out. 1.4s seems way too long to me.
Been experiencing the same issues. Please look into this. I legitimately sprinted and vanished around 60 yards from a mob, and it kept chasing me for about 5 seconds and broke my stealth. I had no dots or debuffs on me. Vanish did not drop combat at all.
It’s probably the same bug that prevents players from a lot of actions. One might think it’s spell batching but for example as a rogue you sometimes need up to 2 seconds after dismounting to get in stealth.
You literally have to spam stealth 5 times to make it work and the game will show you the error message “You are mounted” while clearly standing or walking.
Same happens with pots, herbing, mining, looting…
It’s so clunky.
Vanilla definitely was a bit clunky but not “adding 2sec artificial delay to everything” clunky.
In fact, I tried an experiment today. Drew aggro on some mobs and I sprinted away. I was a VERY, VERY far distance away. I vanished and continued running away, in stealth.
Guess what? The mobs (in this case, dwarves in BRD) continued to chase me for 10 entire seconds. I was literally stealthed and around 80-100 yards away, and the mobs were chasing me despite me being vanished, stealthed, and a humungous distance away. I can re-create and post a video if need be.
Was hoping blizzard would’ve fixed fd by now. Sucks to hear rogue has a similar problem because if I leave hunter I’d be going back to rogue like the old days.
Has blizz at least acknowledged these bugs? The further I get into my hunter the more worrisome this becomes. If fd isn’t fixed, this class is basically massively gimped and completely not worth investing into.
was planning to play a rogue at some point but kept being told by rogues they are full of bugs, instant poison not critting, poisons sometimes randomly falling off for no reason after 4 minutes or falling off when getting disarmed.
as for vanish, having played a rogue since tbc I can attest, vanish has always been broken and always just randomly dropped, sometimes vs a caster you could cloak sprint vanish and pop back out of stealth for no reason.
not saying this is how it should be but blizzard never had it working right.
at a guess going to say vanish/FD is broken due to their implementation of batching since its artificially recreated
its funny this is exactly how vanish works against city guards, I wonder if its specific to pick pocket ? does it work the same if you just walk upto them without stealth and then hit vanish?
It works the same no matter what - not just pickpocket. I could draw aggro any which way, and vanish will fail the same way.
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it DOES work. But it’s only about 50% of the time or so it works. It really sucks when it doesn’t and I get killed and have to spend 5-10 minutes corpse running.