Run faster
Bingo I made a thread about it too. These Epic BGs are just BFA NPC War Campaigns and have no PvP in them. All of them need a massive overhaul. They should last at least 30 mins and at the end of the match players should have 40, 50 or even 60 KBs.
There should be massive PvP over objectives. This goes for Isle and WG too where there isn’t any PvP. The Sieges and Cannons removed that by doing way to much dmg. Now players just get in the Sieges and mow down the enemy instead of having to PvP and protect them.
Cannon/Siege dmg in Epics needs to have dmg reduced by 90% against players so there is PvP again. These Sieges cannons are supposed to damage NPCs and Towers or walls not players and players should PvP to fight over them and protect them.
Also a thread here on how abysmal AV and Epics are.
No, I’d prefer that you make an unbiased point. Your character of choice is irrelevant.
My point comes from thousands of AV games played across both factions. Faction is irrelevant, and I can see I’m not going to persuade you otherwise. I will list my points for you anyway.
Fact: IBGY choke protects all Horde assets. The equivalent Alliance graveyard is wide open to assault from all angles.
Fact: the first objective either faction can reach is Horde and Stonehearth Bunker. Both factions can reach the aid station or relief hut within seconds of each other.
Fact: Horde NPCs deal more damage than their Alliance counterparts.
Fact: Towers, with the addition of Commanders, are harder to assault than bunkers and easier to defend.
Fact: Frostwolf Village is an equal choke to Stormpike Bridge (if not superior, there are 4 potential bottlenecks before Alliance reach the twin towers, Horde has to get over the bridge)
So please feel free to explain to me where the map favours Alliance? Perhaps I’ll learn something from someone who has 33 games played on the character they’re posting on, but I doubt it.
The difference between Korrak’s and current AV (and even Classic AV) is night and day. Korrak’s was so much fun. I would love for it to be permanent (or at least the off-week brawl)
Ok, that’s definitely a fair point then. I was actually surprised when I went into AV on the second day of the expansion and we rushed down and then lost because the Horde killed Van with only 1 tower burned. It didn’t really make any sense because like you said the beginning of an expansion is usually when AV is actually HARDER because people don’t have the high item level gear yet.

So to fully understand your point, you consider a horse having sound files to be more game breaking than a battleground that has no PvP in it, is extremely fast and efficient to earn honor gear rewards, and goes against the design intention for the category it is in?
no, my point is, the people who create the sound files, aren’t the same people who are tasked with tuning a battleground… so stop karening.
I’m glad someone else said this. I look forward to the early expac pvp experience in Alterac Valley every 2 years. I like turning in armor and killing Balinda and defending towers. You can’t get any achievements when all people do is zerg every time.
Bump… make AV great again . Buff all the NPC’s 200 percent .
Go read the classic forum crying about AV favoring horde by design. Theres a reason horde queues are like 3 hours for AV in classic.
I’d be surprised if there were more than 5 people working on WoW. This game is just sad compared to FF14

Theres a reason horde queues are like 3 hours for AV in classic.
and that would be because the playerbase is small, and horde outnumber alliance.
There are more alliance than horde. Just most of them don’t pvp because horde is by far the better pvp faction. Like ally is the raiding faction.
Its nothing new. They seem to fix it eventually, but I have experienced the “AV rush” multiple times through the years.

no, my point is, the people who create the sound files, aren’t the same people who are tasked with tuning a battleground… so stop karening.
No, your point was to come in here to try to be needlessly argumentative by trying to downplay the issue “as it’s not a priority” and you didn’t like it when you were challenged.

and that would be because the playerbase is small, and horde outnumber alliance.
…like this, assuming the problem is due to the player base and not the thousands upon thousands of posts in the classic forum about the imbalances of classic AV. Do you even play Alterac Valley… or PvP?
AV is my favorite bg and I merc epics hoping to get it. Its a shell of its former self now though. Whoever runs to the boss first wins.
Thank you for posting. I am the same. I don’t even mind losing if the games are fun and a back-and-forth struggle for territorial dominance. Some my favourite games have been an hour or so, with Ivus and Lok coming out to play.

I was actually surprised when I went into AV on the second day of the expansion and we rushed down and then lost because the Horde killed Van with only 1 tower burned. It didn’t really make any sense because like you said the beginning of an expansion is usually when AV is actually HARDER because people don’t have the high item level gear yet.
Me too - particularly because they made changes in the last expansion to stop this type of rush mentality. I’m convinced something is broken; the NPCs in Isle of Conquest or Ashran don’t seem to be this bad.
Bump… make AV great again !!!
Thank you king Dosao
I’m avoiding queueing epics at the moment because I don’t want to get thrown into one of these AVs. It makes me sad, it’s not fun. A bunch of my friends have said they were trying to get their weekly quest done and were in a few games where they didn’t even wait for the towers to go down, and just rushed Drek and killed him with heroism.