Please fix Alterac Valley at max level

So to fully understand your point, you consider a horse having sound files to be more game breaking than a battleground that has no PvP in it, is extremely fast and efficient to earn honor gear rewards, and goes against the design intention for the category it is in?

(I am fully aware of how priority lists work. I just don’t buy your suggestion that it is as rigid as “This is more important so we will fix this first.”).

Epic Battlegrounds are supposed to be longer matches. If you want short matches, queue for normal battlegrounds. This current iteration of AV will not last, and it is not intended.

said list*
It’s either “the list” or “said list.”

Also, it’s harder to take bunkers than towers. The last time the Horde had an advantage was in vanilla or BC, and that was nerfed. It’s easier on the Alliance side in general because of the placement of objectives and ease of access for the Alliance. You’re obviously biased, so, there’s that as well.

I been doing this for literally 13 years. Go check my achievements idk why ya’ll think this is something new and fascinating

You’re joking, right?

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The Iceblood choke prevents the Alliance from reaching any of the objectives. If people don’t use it, that’s on them. It’s like people comparing the bridge to Iceblood. They’re incomparable.

Would you prefer me to post on my Horde characters…?

Not saying it hasn’t been possible in the past. The problem is it’s never at the start of an expansion.

I’m sure you want more free horde wins

Yeah I’ve got AV blitz from back in 2010.

There’s a difference between Blitzing in near end of expansion gear and Blitzing in less than first raid teir normal gear.


It’s always been tuned around like current tiers ptchwerk heroic boss.

It has nothing to do with start or end of xpac. It’s hp and stufff goes up every season every xpac.

If you have 2 real tanks and 3 real healers and you don’t happen to Q into 35 actual potatoes team mates, it’s always been possible.

Or we could not “fix” one of the best honor farms with the massive amount of honor we’re going to have to farm to upgrade PvP gear
Leave it as it is, queue for Wintergrasp if you want to waste 40 minutes in a PvE BG

buddy av races have lasted entire expansions

I 100% completely agree with you, OP. I haven’t taken PvP seriously in about six years (or the game in general for that matter), and I’m loving BGs right now. However, I LIKE TO PVP. I remember when Alterac Valley was fun, and it took awhile to see a winner on either side. Now, I just hate it. I don’t like racing to the other side of the map just to see who can kill a boss first. That’s not PvP. That’s not why I queued up in the first place. Your idea of boosting NPC’s hitpoints is a good one, but I doubt they’ll waste their time revamping an entire BG.


The BG feels more pve than pvp . Rush to the opponents end boss, cap 2 towers and Burst boss down :rofl:

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AV is trash right now. It was fun since they released epic bg’s, but the way it is now makes it a horrible experience. They just need to do what they usually do, which is scale the bosses so they need all 4 towers down in order to even attempt a kill.

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No, it hasn’t. It was extremely difficult to kill the bosses with even one tower for the majority of Battle for Azeroth. It was only when corruption was added that people could maybe (if they were skilled and geared enough) kill them with one, very rarely two.

The same can be said for Legion (where they buffed the damage and health of bosses significantly) and even earlier back in Mists and Warlords, where they had to remove the Blitz achievement from the Battlemaster meta because it was so difficult to earn.

Which heroic boss hits for 3000 damage (at 4 tower buffs each increasing damage by +75%)? Please tell me so I can go kill them in under 5 minutes to get free loot.

Thank you. I was starting to feel as though perhaps I was the only one that didn’t like AV in this state being shouted down by honor farmers and people that don’t really know what they’re talking about.

So whats the problem again? I haven’t seen it zerged with all towers up yet. Usually 2 towers and then boss.

I’m sure Blizz is aware of the awkward situation of AV, say nothing of Isle of Conquest.

AV is straight up not fun nor is IoC really but Ashran and Wintergrasp are!
I hope we can get Tol Barad someday back

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The problem is players should not be able to claim victory in a PvP battleground by not engaging in PvP combat.

The bosses should not be able to killed with any towers up, as it invalidates defense (where PvP happens).


+2 is common, +3 is rarer and +4 is rarest but I’ve seen it happen and we’re only three weeks into an expansion. People aren’t even BiS geared yet.

I totally Agree, Bynir.

It’s my absolute favorite BG… but it is dying. :frowning:
I miss Korraks revenge, SO much more like the old AV that I used to LOVE.

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There was a time Horde did let ally win. Ally could win the map faster than Horde. So Horde let them win because a faster loss netted more honor than a slow win for Horde.

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I have both Horde and Alliance toons. but I do notice my Horde ones winning a few more than my Alliance ones. I do notice that the Horde are more prone to backcap than my alliance fellows, that could be one reason.

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