Please fix Alterac Valley at max level

The game may slow down a little when the hardpacked snowballs kick in during Winter Veil.

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There’s a little meta game you can play in AV right now… try to delay the other side by the 10-30 seconds it takes to swing the game.

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That’s actually not true. AV was originally horde-favored due to the nature of their towers and a few other quirks (like the twisty entrance to Horde base was a little easier to defend than the bridge at Alliance). Then Blizz moved the entrances to give Alliance about a 20-30 second head start. Only now, nobody defends towers or bases - it’s all zerg, so the Alliance has a slight advantage in the zerg.

No. The starting cave being moved back was to equalize, not to swing the pendulum the other way. There is a difference of maybe ~3 seconds between Aid Station and Relief Hut, not enough to make a difference in any sort of game (and when bunkers/towers matter, the first objective met is still Stonehearth Bunker. The Alliance don’t reach Iceblood Tower for a good 10 seconds later.)

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It equalized it under the old play style of defending things. Once the game became a mad race to the end it was uneven.

The entire thing they were trying to equalize was he horde defensive advantage. If there’s no defense then you just swung the pendulum.

As someone who has played for years and seen the ups and downs of AV this is the best it can get. Trust me, you do not want 45 min+ AVs of the old days. It’s terrible.

Speak for yourself. I love a good warfront where you mow down the opposition by attrition. Turning loose the rares was also fun.

AV now might as well be a standard BG. It takes less time than some non-epic BGs.


Iceblood is still the single most effective chokepoint. Horde chose not utilize it and claimed it was an imbalance; that is false. There is no zerging advantage if both factions can reach the end goal at the same time.

At any rate, I’ve only been advocating to make the games longer. I don’t care if I lose if the games are fun. :slight_smile:

As Tsataga posted, a hotfix is currently in the works.

you made no point about time

all it will do is barely slow it down on the towers, another couple minutes maybe to get another tower or two down

Yep. I think AV should be demoted to standard BG at this point.

Dear Blizzard

I’ve been playing WoW for 16 years, and though I’m not a “hard core” gamer, I enjoy the time I get to spend in Azeroth.

I wanted to touch base on a topic that’s been bothering me for some time.

Alterac Valley

My favorite battleground - or at least it WAS.

From doing the many available quests, to the pvp (or course) as well as the task of spawning Ivus (or, if you’re an evil Horde player of course: Lokholar).

There was LOT to do, and it was fun.

Now however, with people obsessed with levelling as quickly as possible, we miss out on the fun.

It’s become just a race. At the beginning there’s ALWAYS someone saying "cap FW towers and “all in”.

I usually remain behind so I can at least cap the mine, and wait to bother horde players who cap our towers.

It’s so disappointing to watch all 40 of us race across the middle, while the entire horde team does the same. We could wave.

I only once managed to convince our whole team to attack their whole team (just for fun).

As a result, games usually only last about 10 minutes. Wholly unsatisfying.

I would like to suggest making certain tasks “required”:

  • Like capping and holding ALL the towers on the way down.
  • You MUST send back your flightmasters (etc)
  • You must do Galvanagar and Balinda

Or some version of that. I’m sure you could introduce some new things there as well.

At any rate, AV was a masterpiece which is now being wasted.

Sincerely a fan,

David Lee
Altabear on Zul’jin


It’s Alterac Valley, it’s a PVE Battleground.

If you want PvP then AV is not it! :rofl:

I find tons of PvP in AV. If you’re a player that goes to the end and sits in front of Vann’s hut or stands on noob hill, sure, there’ll be no action.

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My comment stands, you’re no pvper if AV is your target BG.


I believe killing enemy players would make it PvP, but you have a nice day now. :slight_smile:

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:laughing: lmaaooo

pretty glad I did the dash to get the jump legendary effect for my warrior last night now :slight_smile:

Now your trolling. AV is synonymous with being a PVE BG, but keeping smashing your head against your own logic.

Most people love AV for the sheer lack of PvP, but as you are too scared to expose your toon to inspection then that says everything I need to know.

So yeah go have fun PvPing in AV you goober.

We are fighting/debating for a non-issue dude, and I’m sure you’re a stellar upstanding player.

Don’t be fighting that AV is PvP, it isn’t, you have to kill NPC’s to progress and there is an END BOSS. That’s PvE dude, not PvP.

Snaring a lock or rogue can be fun but please at least acknowledge the truths here.

Have a great weekend and regardless of opinion differences I LOVE AV and I’m sure you miss AV weekend too, so with that said we are actually more likely buddies here and shouldn’t be bickering about something we both love.

The PvE/PvP thing is not even that important if you are having fun!

So here, /hugs my AV friend and I truly hope you have a great, and fun weekend!

I’ll take responsibility for my comments, and say I’m sorry, and hope we see each other in AV soon!

Coming back to this thread to update. Alterac Valley NPC’s were buffed.