Please Enable Transfers to Pagle for Established Accounts

I guess you will have to just stick with my “rambling”.

Hell yh, I love trying to understand the ramblings of a madman

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Don’t – you’ll pull your hair out trying, unless going bald is what you’re looking for.

I started my horde toon on Pagle and quickly realized, I was the only horde player(not literally), lol. Shatt was just a flying alliance bonanza.

I just don’t want to see Pagle become the next Benediction. Unlike many posting here I made my decision on where to play by forecasting how this was all going to shake out in the end. I transferred, as alliance, off Faerlina about 6 months before TBC as I saw the writing on the wall. I wanted a PvE server so Pagle was it. Then I started toons on benediction, got some of them to 69 and saw the writing on the wall for Wrath and moved the few I had there to Pagle.

Now I am on Pagle because Wrath is gonna be a cluster with server loads, even Pagle is like to have a queue as it stands now, just not at the level Benediction will have. Quite a few Pagle accounts transferred to Benediction when PvE>PvP became an option, because you know that sweet PvP server tag on a server with 0 pvp is water cooler-chat cool.

I don’t want to see Pagle become the next Benediction. Some have stated they have a foothold on Pagle now, okay, some have stated they didn’t get to move their main to Pagle. So they should move their main? That won’t change the server load if they are now maining on Pagle?

It’s just a slippery slope at this point.

I’ll start off by granting your points regarding player pop not being affected by people transferring under the same account. The question would be whether Blizzard has the bandwidth/processes to review every transfer request from the thousands of people doing this to differentiate by the variables you have provided. If it’s super easy than they’re just missing out on free money, so that makes me assume that their ability to discern the differences in transfer requests isn’t a near-automated process on the classic side or that’s just not where they want to focus their staff. Considering you can still make players on Pagle, people could easily work around your solutions by boosting a 70 on pagle and then using that to transfer their toons over. They would realistically have to lock the whole server down outside of your specific situation, which comes across as a very self serving and quasi hypocritical request considering the recency of your transfer.

I’ll be honest, however, that many of us who decided to stay on “dead servers” have minimal sympathies. I’m assuming you’re alliance since you’re going to pagle. Myzrael seems to have around 3k max level alliance according to wow classic pop that have logged on in the last 14 days. If instead of everyone transferring, you and the other guilds had stayed your server, you wouldn’t be in this mess. Instead of staying and helping grow the community, you guys decided to wuss out over to the next mega server, and now you’re dealing with the easily forseeable consequences of that decision. I hope they fix this for you guys, but next time maybe don’t follow the hivemind.

So, Yes I came from Myzrael alliance side. And I personally didnt want to transfer servers right away. And in fact waited an extra month after my guild transferred. Then I started a lock, which was going to be my new main for wrath anyways. And grinded up to 70 in under 2 weeks.

What do you do though, when 3 or 4 of your main raiders jump ship, and suddenly, the rest of the guild is transferring and making use of the sale on transfer costs, which caused additional FOMO, not all the guildies were wanting to go right away, but when you lose half of the raid group, and the situation on the server is looking ever more grim, your options kinda become more limited if you want to continue to play with the same people you forged ties with over the course of the expansion.

And sure, since the pre-patch, the numbers on myzrael have gone up, but that’s the case for all the realms, and likely they will plummet again in the next 1.5 months. Especially when you consider that Myz is not receiving any attention from blizzard, they gave free transfers to old blanchy, which was doing a little worse, but didnt open up transfers to Myz as well. They had just closed the other servers and it looked like Myz was going to be on the chopping block next, but just radio silence from blizzard.

So, To play with my friends, I made the decision to level a character from scratch and get it ready for raiding asap (even got my bear mount again). It would be the common sense move in my opinion, especially when others even offered to help pay for the transfer off. (though I didn’t want them to waste their money on my toons, especialy since they weren’t going to be my main in wrath and would just move them over eventually as needed)

Now that I am here on pagle, I’ve been leveling toons, so I have a 70 Demo Lock, Warrior Tank, eventually I’ll level that DK, and been working on a sham (18), pally (28), and hunter (14) lately, as I work up my roster again. I’ll eventually level them all anyways so I can have my full roster of proffs, but it would be nice to have a few of my already leveled alts available, so I can help fill additional roles for various raid groups.

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Pagle should only be unlocked for Horde transfers. It’s like 99% Alliance.

Any chance of an update, Blizzard?

I have two alts that I would like to bring to my main server, but that’s not possible right now.

Why not enable transfer to Pagle, but only if you already have at least one max-level character there?

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I guess the silence from blizzard is our answer.

They’ve said that it is not mechanically possible to open transfers for alts but not for new players. The system does not/can not distinguish between the two.

Lol what tf even…

I don’t believe that.

How do they handle “locked” servers? You can’t create a character there UNLESS you already have a character on that server.

Why can’t transfer use the same check?

I guess they set the rule universally for locked servers. Like If server == locked then block

To allow alts to move to the current server with any established char, they need to count the number of characters a person has on a server, something like If current_server.char_count == 0 then block. The char_count would have to inc/dec upon creation and deletion.

But Indie company, :frowning:

They probably can, but as of now, it doesn’t… nor do the devs plan to change it anytime soon. That was my only point. There is nothing the GMs can do to help people in this situation. It relies entirely on what the system devs choose to do and they are nowhere near the forums.

How else can we request changes, other than the forums?


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Warcraftdevs on Twitter probably.

I’d prefer not to make a Twitter account, but you’re probably right.

Either way, by the time they can push the change to production, it might not be an issue by then.

Or, if the queue returns, it might be nice to have alts to level on a smaller server…

Yeah, I wouldn’t expect them to make a change when it would really matter. Either things will calm down and they will unlock period, or they won’t and, like you said, people can play alts (or mains) with no queues.