Please Enable Transfers to Pagle for Established Accounts

My main two characters are on Pagle, but I would like to move my alts over here now that my friend stopped playing WoW (again).


The crazy thing is that they mess with skyfury and angerforge transfers which didn’t need it but can’t fix our problem…

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Logic before emotion

We’re already on Pagle we just have alts stuck in the between.

Next time try reading first.

All the best


I too have a 70 on pagle and would love to bring my alts over to try a new main to play with my friends, this would be sweet.

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I picked my server back in character resevere for vanilla. Tons of alliance back then. Now there’s nothing. Loyalty shouldn’t be punished.

lol. either way blizzard can’t win.

if they hard lock realms. problem.
if they open up free transfers. problem.

If you’re Alliance, get dunked on :sunglasses:

Horde, you have my sympathies.

I wonder if the transfer system is even evolved enough to allow players that are already there vs new players on the realm. I’ve only ever transferred once and that was over a decade ago.

Man that was a lot of posts to :heart: react with. Goodluck getting blizz to care tho guys n gals.

Because that is how life works.
People give an inch and then the other take a mile.
If you are unaware of this concept, not sure there is much I can help you with.

agreed – keep it locked

I could care less what you think.

So you do care? At least a little?

I honestly do not care what anyone thinks of me or what they think of my opinions. I never have and never will.
I put them out there like them or don’t like them, it means nothing to me why? There is no one in WOW that matters to me. Only real-life family and friends mean something, no one else.

That’s deep bro.

I understand the concept, but allowing transfers for people who already have characters doesn’t change the number of players on a server. They can still play on Pagle

Unsure how this changes much if anything.


I never stated it would change the number of players on a server, but it does affect the toon population, resources, AH pricing etc.

You all can try to argue all you want to try to change my mind, even use actual data points with laser pointers, flip charts and a PowerPoint presentation and it still won’t sway my opinion.

Just so we’re all on the same page, I did some homework for you some of you …
Definition of an opinion: “a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.”

Not trying to sway your opinion, just trying to understand how it falls into the slippery slope fallacy

Toon population would go up. Resources and AH pricing changes like the wind, not allowing people to transfer will affect that (looking at Firemaw) so I don’t see how this fits.

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  1. I’m not up for explaining it. You’ll just have to use your own thoughts on what my line of thinking is.

  2. Resources and AH do change but no sense adding more volatility to it so if you don’t understand how those fit then I’m unable to help you.

Then I guess I’ll just stick with you’re rambling about something cause I got no clue

I understand that no transfers / new people = consumables go up

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