Please Enable Transfers to Pagle for Established Accounts

Just an update: Still unable to do those transfers, @Blizzard, we have no queues, with dragonflight starting soon, there will be even less people on classic servers, so please consider unlocking transfers. Especially if the method that checks for DK creation can be used to validate existing characters… this would be a non issue completely

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The original post at the top of this forum; I couldn’t remember writing it… I didn’t, but that is exactly what happened to me. I cleaned out my mail and prepped my toon for xfer. I was tired so I thought I would just do it the next day. Oops, Blocked!, by a few hours. Friends gone. I now have a 70 on Pagle from scratch so what would be the issue with letting me transfer another character from Mankirk? I cannot play more than one toon at a time… I think they are trying to get us to buy a character boost for $50. (or$80)

Because Blizzard is full of retards. I’m on a server alone with none of my friends while everyone I know is on Pagle because I missed the transfer by 8 hours and its been months since Iv’e played with my friends. Honestly I have no reason to play this game alone anymore so I’ll just unsubscribe. Not gonna play Blizzards gay games where they let me create a fresh 70 on that realm but not transfer my original toon over.

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My alt is 80 now, it’s been months, there’s no queues on Pagle. Can we let people’s alts come over for craps sake?

Alts? I’m trying to get my main over to Pagle so I can play with me friends. I’ve been playing alone for months… I have 6 days of game time left and I wont resub unless I can play with my buddies on Pagle.

@Blizzard – Now that Dragonflight has launched and there will be an immediate decrease in players in classic for a few weeks, can we get transfers opened back up again now?

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CAN YOU PLEASE LET ME PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS NOW?!?! IT HAS BEEN 2 MONTHS AND I AM ON THE VERGE OF JUST SAYING SCREW IT AND UN-SUBBING. Seriously, I am playing all by myself and have been since before Wrath classic launch, it’s getting so old and boring.

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yeah your both right. fun game u shouldnt have to threaten to quit. thats where its at. the game has never done this before. got people begging to open the servers up. a small queue doesnt matter. prob wont even be queues.

servers go up and down and change all the time. this person has to beg the company, that did this because of some non stop posters on the forums. miserable people on the forums, who arent very smart. thats why this happened

They are open now

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