Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

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Rogu ruined the show :frowning:

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Thereā€™s no reason we canā€™t show battle tags like the other blizzard forums.

Not to mention being able to like and mass report on different characters is just ridicules.


Yup. I wish they fixed it.

Please just report replies like this that feign ignorance of the topic just to be irritating.

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Itā€™s funny. Iā€™m not gonna report.

Iā€™m sorry to report that nowhere in the Code of Conduct does it mention that being irritating is a reportable or actionable offense.

So reporting someone simply because they irritate you would be misuse of the reporting system, which actually is an actionable offense.

Engaging in behavior that is unproductive, blatantly irrelevant, or extraneous to the conversation is the textbook definition of trolling, so you are grossly mistaken about your claim.

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So report me.

You still havenā€™t proven that Iā€™m not you.

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This is kind of interesting to imagine people are really going to all that trouble to support their own posts, or gang up on someone elseā€™s, whatever. Is there a list of known sock puppeteers? :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m envisioning the Muppets gone wrongā€¦

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See, this is what ā€œextraneousā€ means. What does this have to do with anything being talked about in this thread?

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Iā€™m reasonably sure the ā€œT-squadā€ is one of them.

Iā€¦ donā€™t know who that is. :weary:
Is this some secret forum insider knowledge?

Iā€™m always out of the loop! Or maybe I just donā€™t pay attention.


Apparently not, as confirmed by a blue.

I would clarify, their alleged alts. As I have noted previously in similar threads, the accusations Iā€™ve seen of folks posting on alts are often, though not in every case, wrong.

For instance, letā€™s speak to those generally considered the ā€œTā€™sā€. Often they all rolled into one, but which very much are not the same person.

Yes, we have a number of similar names, which feels purposeful, but that doesnā€™t make them the same person or otherwise associated with one another. That isnā€™t to say that one person hasnā€™t posted on multiple accounts over time. I know of one that has adopted a new posting character over time, as previous accounts were no longer viable to post. Nothing nefarious with that.

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Iā€™m going to press X to doubt on that particular case.

You said it yourselfā€¦

ā€¦not in this case, I think.

No, I didnā€™t say it. A Blizzard employee said it. The thread is locked, though, so Iā€™m not able to directly quote the post, so it loses its blue text.

The link I included goes directly to the blue post though.


I agree with Vrak on that thread. It gets tiring having to deal with others accusing me and others as being ā€œaltsā€ or weā€™re ā€œtrollingā€. Anytime anything regarding inclusion or diversity gets brought up, it gets reported into oblivion and a few individuals on here love to derail and silence the OP.

Please stop trying to silence others feedback threads or opinions. Report if the thread breaks ToS, but otherwise mute/ignore instead of accuse and troll the OPā€™s of topics regarding the above.


The problem is you bring it up. Every. Frigginā€™. Day. Itā€™s spam, and I believe you do it intentionally to troll. Unfortunately, as Vrak said, itā€™s difficult for the mods (and impossible for players) to prove intent.

So youā€™re three different persons instead of one trolling the forums with the same shtick. The end result is the same. And the only explanation I can come up with is that you get off on being universally hated.


No because youā€™re ruining a fun experience.


Agreed! #ProtectSockPuppetting