Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

Even presented with proof, you still deny. You have my respect for your dedication to the art of trolling.


Not really. I can also see MAC addresses as well. I’m positive the moderators here have that same ability.

I don’t really understand why anyone would do this? Blizzard knows who your characters are. They aren’t fooled into thinking there’s more people agreeing or something by doing this.
I also don’t understand why people would care that people do this, because of the fact that it absolutely won’t fool Blizzard. Did you just not consider the fact that they absolutely know every single one of your characters and probably just laugh at these people that do this?

That’s only if they investigate an individual account. What we need as players is a tool to get Blizzard staff to investigate accounts suspected of this activity.

The humor they find in it could not be any more irrelevant.

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Doesn’t that make us all each other’s sockpuppets? Besides, I seriously doubt Blizzard is gonna be okay with all of us sharing one account.

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why does it even bug people anyway lol. this place is a joke anyway so why you would let little things like that get to you cracks me up who cares.

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No it doesn’t. Because we are not the same person. And I don’t agree with you.

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But you cared enough to post this reply so your statement is pretty contradictory. You might as well be asking why people would care about reporting deceptive and dishonest behavior on Twitter, or YouTube, or Facebook, or any other platform of communication. It’s asinine logic.


I had to look into this and I’m in absolute shock. I have already ignored Zandrae but I will need to make sure to put them on higher alert if they come into my threads or reply to me. I Don’t want to have to deal with someone who is doxxing others!

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Prove it. :male_detective:

You’re my alt, Saralocks.

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I feel if they just made your battletag visible on forum posts it’d be fine. No way to hide it, not even by having multiple accounts.

Not to mention being able to ignore entire bnet accounts would mean I don’t have people constantly making level 10 classic alts to slip around my ignores.


You wish

What if I like making puppets out of my socks? Gosh!

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He just made another post. You can’t make this up.

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This thread has been some entertainment recently

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No, it does not because we aren’t all one person.

This made no sense.

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Dude, when ppl drive me crazy I start saying “I think” they’re someone else on another account. Makes them mad and they leave you alone. :rofl::ok_hand:t2:

Prove​ it.

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/whispee riiiicky spaaaaaniiish

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