Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

the first ever blizzard certified troll congratulations


No I donā€™t. Look at my history. The last thread I made was 3 days ago. How is that spamming?

Why is that? What have I said to make you believe Iā€™m ā€œtrollingā€? Is it because I ask for more diversity and inclusion? Itā€™s baffling.

I have no idea. I see others with somewhat similar name but I donā€™t think twice because it doesnā€™t bother me. If someone is breaking forum rules, they will be flagged and punished for it.

No. I come to the forums to give my feedback. Iā€™m very passionate about Blizzardā€™s progressive stances in-game and Dragonflight is reflecting that. Now is the perfect time to give feedback for the next expansion!

If others want to paint me in a bad light, so be it. Thatā€™s not going to stop me from giving valuable feedback.


There is a very big difference between providing feedback, and trolling, Talonel.


I stand corrected. However Vrak also did not exclude the possibility it might be one person on multiple accounts, so I at least will stick by my opinion.

Iā€™m just ignoring each one as it pops up anyway, so no biggie.

At this point, itā€™s either:

A. Sockpuppeting is going on and nothing is being done about it

B. People are impersonating others to make people believe they are sockpuppeting and nothing is being done about that

or C. It is the biggest coincidence in the history of the world that several toons with identical name structures, the exact same pets, exact same achievements, most of whom are level 10s with zero stats and the exact same race, ALL happen to have the exact same ideology, make the exact same types of posts, and have the exact same verbiage and behavior, that are guilty of spamming instead of sockpuppeting, and nothing is being done about it.


This was Tā€™s goal.

Vrak edited my post in another thread and they said itā€™s not the same person and that usually when people say itā€™s the same person, it is wrong.

Hard doubt.

Itā€™s someone who is playing on separate accounts I think but not on one email and use a VPN.

At this point itā€™s clear blues want people to just put them on ignore.

Let the weirdo keep doing what he is doing and donā€™t feed the troll.

you DO get that thatā€™s not sincere right?

heā€™s doing this to piss people off about certain people


Gotta admire his dedication to doing all those alts etc to post on lol


i would if it wasnā€™t someone genuinely trying to spread bigotry throughout, and letā€™s be entirely fair here, a community that already has a shocking amount of it already.

Does this accurately describe Talonel and Tuuln? And be honest.

Or are you referring to the large handful of toons that tend to mass-like both the posts of both of those two characters? Because it does describe that lot. Iā€™ve not seen any posts from them, though, so the worst I can accuse them of is misusing the likes system.

If people did this instead of taking the bait,ā€¦ I was gonna say less bait would be thrown out, but we all know that isnā€™t true. But yeah, ignore him/them and let them scream into the void. They can keep singing, but we donā€™t need to keep giving him/them an audience.


Both. And there has absolutely been sockpuppeting for likes with Tā€™s posts. Itā€™s the same group of avatars with the exact same achievement progress, stats, and pet collections. At the very least, somebody is mass-liking posts with a bunch of alt toons. And Iā€™ve only seen it with Tā€™s posts. And as an added bonus, one of the toons that has shown up in the mass likes a couple of times has a blatantly sexually inappropriate name. Iā€™m thoroughly convinced that people are doing this as a slap in the face to the moderators at this point- just doing it because they can.

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Especially someone who flexes that they make millions on legendaries and could have spent gold on separate accounts so they make various alts to tread the line of ToS. Best to just not give them any attention.

And now theyā€™re using their alts to like a bunch of my posts and light up my notifications. You need help, my dude.

I would totally be down for putting anyone on ignore if it was account wide


Permaban Talonnel and all his alt accounts and a majority of this forums trolling magically disappears. Blizz would never do it thoughā€¦


sounds like whoever it is is shooting for ā€œtrust level 3ā€.

I have noticed a chunk of the T threads are gone again, and its been a bit since the last new one. Wonder if heā€™s been holidayā€™ed again. Even if he has it means nothing if he just re-creates the same threads again and carries on as usual when he returns - unless its permanent

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Yep, and he just liked your postā€¦ and then quickly unliked it.

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