Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

No theories here when it is the truth. It is kind of hard to ignore you or ignore your threads/post when you keep switching toons/accounts.


Again, more nonsense. But I’m not here to change your mind.

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Please choose a different term than sockpuppeting. It sounds so incredibly stupid.


That sums up this entire thread.

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Not here to change our mind? What?


Sockpuppeting is stupid, so the name fits.


How is it nonsense when all you do is come to the forums to troll? Switching alts all the time, creating threads that actually troll the LGBTQ community, etc. You may not see it yourself that way, but it is what others see.


Me and all 12 of my dks disagree.

I mean I disagree. Crap!

I don’t disagree the implication itself is moronic to the n’th degree, but that word is just not it.


What have you got against puppets, man? Miss Piggy is a puppet and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here and let you bad mouth her

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I always check battle pets when I see something suspicious.

I almost wanna make an alt named SockPuppet now


I don’t think you’ll be able to hide behind your preferred choice of topic when trolling the forums for much longer.

I’d suggest you stop if you want to continue to have the ability to interact on the forums.

Create an allied race character and you’re already done.

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Hey, Miss Piggy can take care of her own problems


Because when person A makes a thread, then person A responds to the thread with an offensively bad counter take on a second character, then person A responds on a third character to support that bad take, then innocent person B responds to support the original take because the two others posts are really bad, and then OP pretends to be needing the support while his other two alts continue to antagonize the innocent other common sense posters being trolled and random posters being dragged into the dishonest troll fest while random onlookers get a very twisted view on non existent issues created by a singular bored person who wants nothing else but to anger people

Person A is doing this from classic characters and second accounts

Its sick and an illness, battletag is the way. Alternatively restrict classic characters from posting on retail threads

I’m not so sure it’s that cut and dry. Surely players who’d do X thing if it weren’t for Y quality making it unenjoyable for them get to have a voice too? Otherwise, the only way they get to have any say is if they’re masochists and do X thing despite hating it to build up forum cred. Makes it real easy for things to turn echo-chambery.

This is all kind of moot if we approach these forums sensibly, i.e. not as a forum for legitimate discussion.


Tell that to the pvp forums where players have legitimate reasons for being frustrated with sl’s crap and wanting changes and improvement

Sockpuppeting made a lot of discussions impossible especially in season 1

There needs to be one account profile that everyone posts on, no alts. If people want to RP, there are other avenues for that.

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