Please Deal With Sockpuppeting

It is.

If people don’t partake in the content they are commenting on they don’t have a credible opinion.

That’s way too much work

I agree, but that didn’t stop the people i knew who were doing it

She was the best Muppet ever

I :heart: Puppets!!! :japanese_goblin:

I just can’t choose one to be best

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Sock puppets don’t scare me! These things do though —> :clown_face:



I’ve never once trolled. So please stop with that. You may not agree with my opinions, but they does not mean I’m “trolling”.

False. Please provide proof that I’m switching alts (you won’t be able to because I’ve only ever posted on this toon, the one Blizzard chose for me).

“I don’t agree with this guys opinion so he’s automatically trolling” Got it.

That’s fine. I don’t really care either way. My opinion stands and I’ll continue giving my feedback. I hope you have a great day :smiling_face:

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How sad that I know exactly who you’re talking about… Haven’t seen much of they/them lately. Or whatever the pronouns are for that character is.

Edit: Never mind. There he is.

Also, the best way to eliminate those types from the forums would be to enforce ONE forum persona per account holder.


This is a random forum and things posted on here should always be taken with a grain of salt. If you’re freaking out because some random person feels the need to talk to themselves, then just ignore the thread. Problem solved. Maybe there are so many people in that person’s head that have different opinions… who knows, but to let it become the basis of taking away the privacy of everyone is not the way to go about it — ignoring them is.


I still think that’s a recipe for gradually narrowing the appeal of whatever system is being discussed to an ever-smaller group over time, because that only includes the feedback of the most ardent fans of said system which going to have a strong natural bias. I do agree that someone who hasn’t participated at all shouldn’t be taken seriously, but those who have at least dipped their toe in should — you don’t need to eat several platefuls of a particular food to figure out there’s things about it you’d like changed.

I disagree. Someone that has cleared LFR has zero clue how real raiding is especially at a mythic level.

Someone that does random BGs is t going to have a clue how arena or rated BGs work.

People can have opinions but they aren’t going to have a credible opinion. It always the clueless people that usually have the loudest voice.

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Eh I dunno. There’s been no shortage of vocal high performers on GD over the years and before downvotes were removed, it was often organized content guilds that would make the rounds and bury posts they disagreed with downvotes.

Yeah not buying that. My dads Bill Gates.

Most of the people complaining on the GD forums don’t have credible complaints.

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Hiding on second WoW accounts doesn’t hide who you are, Talonel.

And also, the same threads being created as each other… Think people here on the forums are that stupid?


It would certainly clean things up a bit around here if your forum account was tied directly to your WoW account and not by character. However, I enjoy the mess. I’d be kind of sad if that happens.

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This isn’t proof. This is just you linking me to someone else who shares the same ideas from what I’ve seen on the forums.

Do you think someone who shares the same ideas as another poster is that persons alt?

I don’t like to name call anyone. I just point out that what you wrote does not make sense and I’m going to defend myself from false accusations.

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