Please Clarification on Love is in the Air Rare drops

Hi CS,

There´s several players with doubts regarding holiday drops, since June 2024, it was changed for Summer Festival but it´s not clear if it only impacted that holiday or all holidays.

Currently, there´s a tool tip in the epic box for Love is in the air:

The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards.

But the drop item is still an epic box in any other attempt, the visual is already confusing and there’s not any mention of a possible drop in an alter attempt.

Can we get a response? there’s some players running a lot of alts because it wasn’t clear enough.

We’re still posting and confuse about the multiple changes to these holidays, specially Love is in the air since 2023 thread:



This would probably be classified as a game hint, which CS is explicitly not allowed to give.

I get wanting the info, but you’ll likely have to wait for the devs to decide to clarify, but I see no reason why the 2024 update wouldn’t have superseded the 2023 update.


There´s still confusion among some players, that’s why there’s threads asking if it drops in alts, the 2024 post looks like something specifically for summer festival for some players :man_shrugging:

For example, there´s reports that Hallow’s end worked different:

They are not likely to clarify, as it is considered a game hint. Having said that, IF there were to be a response, it would not come from the Customer Support Forum, as they have no connection to the dev staff. Any possible response would be on the General Forum.


It’s not very smart to try and find patterns in a super rare drop. No drops isn’t an indication of anything because it’s so rare, and it’s easy for a lucky streak of 2-3 drops to be blown out of proportion.


I don’t see how.

Asking how to kill the boss would be a hint, asking for clarification on words said outside the game by game devs is not.

Anyways, seems like this is the answer:

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continues to accumulate for each failed attempt. This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.

Because the epic loot box says this:

The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards.

However, clarification would be nice since two Wowhead users have two very different responses from GMs:


Both pictures were posted on Wowhead in the last 24 hours.


This should tell you something relevant: CS isn’t where you go for clarification of game mechanics. GMs don’t know, presumably because the developers didn’t tell them. So certainly, no one here would have any better insight. This is a players-helping-players forum. The very few Blizzard employees here are primarily forum moderators. If they have information about game mechanics from the developers, they would share, but as the GMs situation illustrates, they don’t.

If you want the answer, ask the developers via a post in General Discussion. If they answer, they probably won’t answer directly (although it does happen, via posts from Community Managers in forums like General Discussion). Or they might create or update a support article. Or leak word to sites like WowHead.

But they can also opt to not address the questions at all.


Because it’s a hint on how drops work.

As for the “confusion”, this:

Is not connected to this:

The first is discussing the drop rates when killing the boss (looting the corpse). The second is talking about the loot box that is given as a reward for finishing the dungeon encounter.


All they’re looking for is “first character on the account” or not.

Blue posts have posted this stuff in the past on how it works. No one wants numbers.

I thought the tooltip in game was perfectly clear, but apparently it isn’t to others. And that’s all they want to know.


Base on this, it’s the first toon getting the increase to the drop rare, the others would be at normal on the account.


Yes, I know that. I’ve pointed it out quite often in other threads. It seems extremely clear to me. Others are simply looking for the “yes, that is exactly what it means.” But two GMs have given two different responses to it and their hope was an SFA clearing up the yes or no.

No one wants the formula. Just whether these two things still hold true:

The two responses were in reference to two different things. The first response was about loot off the boss, and the second response was about the reward box.

That’s why the response is different. These two things are not the same, and they act in different ways.


I’m just giving you the reason why others are looking for a solid answer.

I already have my answer that I understood perfectly through the tooltip. So I’m good.

You put in a ticket? Or are you referring to what Community posted?

The post in general discussions would be where to follow up.

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I’m referring to the current tickets others have put in yesterday. And your information you just posted is old. And incorrect.

Oddly enough it is, but i thought i saw something posted, and relayed on mmo champion.

This is the most current information that I’ve been posting and is still somehow being challenged:

The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards.

It was eu, but sice ot was cs there it likely did npt stay on the mmo champ tracker

Well that’s clear as mud.


As a general point it’s typically up to the community at large to collaborate and discover how these things work


If anyone gets these damn mounts on an alt please report so.


Oh no, so CS won’t work :man_shrugging: :dracthyr_cry_animated:

We’ve to figure it out like a secret finding, I wish there was a reward dev post like Chimes did back in 2022. The lack of communication in the last year… :confused: