Please Clarification on Love is in the Air Rare drops

Yeah the clue is one blue says a thing and another says something different. Solve for x.

If the ambiguity makes engagement go up (because people feel compelled to run alts, just in case they still have a chance at a drop), ambiguity will persist.

It’s pretty much guaranteed that if clarity would make players spend less time in the game, there will be no clarity.

I’m going to confirm that generally speaking a response to game functionality, looting systems, etc… is well outside our scope of support. We usually can only go off of what is already publicly available and don’t have any more information than you do. Specifics mostly need to come directly from a Game Developer or Community Manager.

With that said, I’m going to see if I can get clarification.

I would assume that the last update information is how something would work since that is the last statement made on the subject and would change how something works previously. I’ll see what I can find out though.

“Game Hint” tends to cover all manner or things around how things work. It doesn’t have to be how to kill a boss, or how to complete a quest, it also encompasses how drop rates and drop information works and details on systems. We are not liaisons with the developers so isn’t generally possible to.

It is likely because while issues like this are outside our scope of support, Game Masters still try to provide an answer when they can. They are human though so are just as likely to be wrong as anyone else when specifics aren’t otherwise available.


That first response was my ticket. It was about what Sendryn is saying. I went through several GMs explicitly stating that I was looking for clarification on if the mount dropped off only the first kill of the day per account or per character. It took numerous return tickets to get the response that I posted…which was still contradictory to the tooltip and the other response. Overall still not very clear if you ask me.

I personally think that maybe the new mount only drops off the first kill per day but the Heartbreaker follows the old rules. I may be totally wrong but that’s what I’m going with until I hear otherwise.

Thanks for your response, I’d mark this as solved and wait for a proper response from CMs or hoperfully a reward Dev. :+1:

At least one player has now claimed receiving the love rocket on their 3rd alt of the day, in a highly-upvoted Wowhead comment.

This of course contradicts the latest news (the June 2024 article) and the box’s tooltip.


It was always my understanding that you have a higher drop rate on the first character with a slightly less drop rate on all other characters, but the mounts and rare items can drop for them all. Just remember, RNG is still in play for all rare drops.


The problem is they’re telling us two different things and if that comment on Wowhead is true then one of those statements is misinformation.

They made the following statement in an article in June 2024:

Updated Loot System: We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop , however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continue to accumulate for each failed attempt.

The tooltip on the heart-shaped box was also updated this year to say “The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards”, in-line with the updated loot system, and there’s more than one post out there of Game Masters confirming for people this is how it’s supposed to work now.

However, I’ve now seen multiple people claiming to have received the Love Rocket on an alt this year, which then either seems this is a bug, whereby the loot system was not updated correctly, or Blizzard has failed to provide a (much-needed) clarifying update on how the love rocket is an exception to their own rule.


Here you go:


Thanks Vrakthris