As per title. I don’t hold much hope of Blizzard responding to this, so I would love to hear some feedback from the wonderful people here since there seems to be confusion on the other threads.
Thank you.
As per title. I don’t hold much hope of Blizzard responding to this, so I would love to hear some feedback from the wonderful people here since there seems to be confusion on the other threads.
Thank you.
What exactly are you hoping they respond to?
am i the only one who doesnt like that rocket?
If kills other than the first still have a chance to drop a mount.
Nope I’ve never considered chasing it. It’s a novelty and kind of just a “spammed event” novelty. I don’t think it looks good.
Mounts like this among others just say “Had a lot of free time, used it up on this.”
From now on, the first Heart-Shaped Box you receive each day across your account will have a greatly increased chance to contain the X-45 Heartbreaker mount.
Any subsequent Heart-Shaped Boxes you earn on your characters after the first each day will drop the mount at the previous, original rate.
That’s what I thought. But other people on the other thread are stating the tool tip is different this year and what you shared is from the blue post in previous years.
So I’m just asking anyone who has had it drop for them today, if it was on an alt.
That was before the June 2024 notice that changed it:
Scroll down to “Updated Loot System”.
The lingering doubt is whether this change affects all subsequent events or if it was limited to that one.
I mean, that was a blue post from 2023.
I just hovered over the tooltip in game (having done a run on 1 character already) and it reads:
“Contains Love Tokens with a chance of other prizes. The first of these earned by your warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards”
So while it’s worded differently, my guess is that it’s still the same.
If not, then run it once a day and dont worry about it.
never have understood all the hype surrounding that mount.
I already had the love rocket, but I got the new broom mount from the dungeon first try.
Honestly at this point I only want it because I’ve been trying to get it for so long. I don’t like giving up on things.
I see.
Based on the wording, it says “holiday boss drops” so i would imagine it would mean all holiday bosses going forward.
Well, Devs should change the epic box to a green one after your first attempt, if the system works like that now. Its confusing.
i mean i like the giant lvoe rocket but not enought grind for it
Exactly. Your guess and mine is the same. But I’ve created this thread to ask if someone won it on an alt today to clarify because I want more than guesses in regards to this.
On WowHead it mentions the new mount that can drop and that it’s a chance on your first kill per account, each day. I assume the rocket is on the same rules.
I got it last year on an alt
Problem is with Blizzard, can’t ever assume anything as they’ll chime in at the sunset hour (if at all) on the last day based on what people have been doing.
If we assume it’s the case and do one run per day it’ll be “Oh btw, it could’ve still dropped on multiple kills.”
If we assume it can drop on multiple kills and spam tons of runs per day they’ll come in and go “Didn’t you read the tooltip? It’s just once a day.”
So unfortunately since their communication on this mount has been damn near insulting over the years, unless they actually SAY something, it’s better to run every character you can until you burn out.
Of course would be better not to burn out, but this is the WoW playerbase and is kinda what we do.
This year is what we’re asking about. The language changed on the box to imply it’s one chance per day
Beyond hear you on assuming with Blizzard but since they’re silent as always can only assume. I have the rocket and putting the new mount in while also putting a different color one on the trading post seems a bit silly but oh well.
I’ll only kill him once a day. Like many, many of the wonderful mounts I have, they’re all about count so no biggie if it drops or not.