Please blacklist covid/corona from player names

Censorship just makes for an ever narrower view of the world. That’s what these people don’t seem to understand. Their good intentions only leads down a slippery slope of apologizing for every potential infraction. I mean, we have “microaggression” in our lexicon now. It’s past the point of ridicule.

The older I get the more I feel like one of those angry old men shouting about how there’s nothing good on TV anymore, or that the younger generation is full of crybabies. Younger generations are ruining anything they find offensive only to fill the vacuum with garbage like Tik Tok or some vapid “humor.” I swear, it’s like, “Demolition Man” is becoming reality.


i find your name offensive. those letters trigger me due to events that happened in my past

you should be banned

Tik Tok isn’t all bad. Jack Black is on Tik Tok.

Corona is also the name of a beer brand and people have had that name from before it was named.

I don’t see why this recent disaster should prompt them to blacklist it.

I could see Covid blocked but meh, I don’t think that’s necessarily needed.

I remember how bad it was for girls named ISIS when that war in iraq happened so I wouldn’t want this event to impact players in a similar way.

Most old men yell “Get off my lawn”.

As for the name, on one hand it’s in bad taste considering what’s going on, but on the other, it’s just a way people cope I think.

I pass on meme’s I get that could be considered tasteless but I consider funny but in no way mean any disrespect. If it makes someone laugh, good.

Censorship…can be more trouble than it’s worth.

The only thing I am going to say to this since there are so many high horses in the thread - all of you who are angry and upset about this name thing - keep that in mind the next time you toss out “XYZ is sooo cancerous” or “Omg insert whatever event your doing be it lfr/raid/pvp/etcis cancer!!” or “that server/guild is nothing but cancer”. I think you get my drift.

Or any other illness/disease/malformation etc…

Technically, its the same freaking concept.

Just being a sort of Devil’s Advocate here - I have no pony in this show, but reading through all these comments I mean really…



Reading comprehension isn’t one of your strong suits is it?

Quit whining. Nothing wrong with a little humor, find it tasteless all you want but those names shouldn’t be banned.


The internet doesn’t know what “too soon” means.

I remember the day after Kobe Bryant died someone was in trade chat spamming “I can’t believe Iran shot down Kobes chopper”

It was simultaneously horrible and tasteless and hilarious.

I hope you don’t go anywhere near social media :rofl: I swear I see a new meme everyday for the rona.

I logged on my Alliance toon and went to Goldshire for the lulz and I saw a giant pink spore with this name being summoned in the basement.

Like a bunch of crazy cultists were gathered in a semi-circle giving it more power and then one of the void elves ran up to it and /licked the spore.

My god.


I just recently lost my mother to cancer and I really, really couldn’t care less what players name their characters or pets.

Losing my mother is way more painful than reading the word “cancer” randomly on a screen.


TBH I’m more offended by every demon hunter I see being named Illïdan, Illidañ, Illidàn, and every combination thereof.

Be original, people.

I tried to be coy with the name that I picked for this char but now I’m starting to hate it.

Corona is latin for crown. If i want to name myself crown i will. SInce SARS, are part of the same family… that means no jokes about them right?

If he made flour he would be Millidan.

You do realize, there’s been worse disasters/travesties before and people make light of them, right?

Unfortunately you starting this thread is giving it attention and is just going to make more people use this name now. Stop giving it attention and let those people look dumb and unfunny all on their own.

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Thought they were edgy as a rusty spoon.

I like rusty spoons myeh heh

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I think Death Knights should be removed from the game, Death kills thousands of people every day! How heartless are you Blizzard?

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