Please address Frost mage

Do you have some source? Or is that taken from the current parses? Because that’s the exact number we are behind.

Was debating continuing sub maybe give them a chance. No frost mage buff but 18 levels of torghast? gtfo. It’s not even hard just a waste of 2 hours of your life. Peace out homies whoever designed that needs to be fire lol.

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Bro twisting corridors was already in the pipes to be released and was likely automatic. It was known this would happen for ages now. Acting like releasing twisting corridors is why they didnt buff frost is so dumb that it makes me think takes like this actually delay frost buffs.


Buff Frost


I want to know who is the mage class designer… PLEASE!


Buff Frost


There isnt one, apparently its a very small team.


98 orange parse and nowhere near first, still working well blizzard thanks!


18? 8 layers of 18 is 144 24 of those are rest floors and another 24 are boss floors. it’s bugged as well, multiple class/spec having empty anima placeholders instead of actually getting powers on aquire

You don’t seem very invested and possible sick with an Anti-Blizzard mentality. Maybe just leave instead of making a big scene, although we’d like you to stay if you’re willing to give it a chance.

legit got removed from +12 SD for being frost lol

thanks blizzard yall are doing a great job

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I made a post with class tunning for Frost/Fire mages! Maybe you like it and it gives you hope: Class Tuning! - #5 by Ameliie-sisters-of-elune

Well mmo-champion posted a source where people can see M+ rankings, everyone already knows how bad frost is due to their horrible parses in raids, now we can just add another source for people to see how bad we are in high end M+ giving even more reasons to not invite us.

Blizzard please address this!

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According to this Class Tuning in Progress -- January 12, our wish is being granted.

Frost buff incoming. 9%

Not enough.


I’d say it’s about enough

With all due respect, a 9% buff to weak spells like frostbolt is not going to do much.


9% buff to strong spells like ice lance will.

Also any frost mages who went vent are finally gonna be getting that second potency slot soon so that’s another bufff to ice lance on top of this 9%


Oh that is correct! We do have a conduit that buffs Ice lance’s damage against frozen targets <3 let’s see how I goes I wish Blizz would solve our proc munchin’ issue. I am a bit afraid for us in Mythic plus. MM hunters burst in AOE is so crazy right now not to speak of other classes like Bomkins… I wonder if we will be competitive towards them