Please add RDF

Amazing that you cant fathom the idea of a guild doing things together for a common goal.

You are trolling.


considering they are insulting at every chance they can that was a bit obvious.

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No I just have a guild that plays the game. I wasn’t responding to you anyways

Their main account probably got hit with the forum vacation for saying slurs, I’m curious how long this one will last…


I have enough accounts to be honest for a loooooong time.

Why on earth are you prattling on about guilds now?

Why do you assume people don’t have guilds?


Well now I’m starting to wonder if this person’s “friends” is just their alt accounts. Would certainly explain why they claim to just always have people on hand no matter the time or place to do content with them


But you’re being a lot more careful now. Good to see you’ve learned your lesson. Sometimes babies need to be spanked before they learn how to behave among civilized people.


These are the things that make people think you guys are all just lying. All of you.


If you actually played the game you’d know that doing a dungeon with bots isn’t fun. The bots are easily recognizable. In MoP you had to play with 4 bots to advance to harder dungeons and raids. You had to play at bronze, silver and gold level in the Proving Grounds. They were obviously bots. We want to play with real people, not spend hours looking for people to play with. Just not people like you. People like you are what the kick option in rdf is for.


I have plenty of online friends. The convenience of being teleported to/in the dungeon alone is simply amazing. The fact that you feel like you need to posture and make feeble minded attempts to devalue other peoples thoughts/opinions/beliefs, makes you the sociopath.


Because other people are capable of making friends? You think that’s unbelievable?

Making friends with insults? Yeah… go try that.


The funny thing is that going around a ban is against the TOS. You’ll just end up with an ever lasting vacation on the forums. Not that anyone would miss your less than intellectual input.

  1. No one said he was trying to become friends with you.
  2. Not everyone is sensitive enough to feel all that slighted by a playgroud insult said in banter and jest.

This is making a lot more sense now.

I wasnt saying they were trying to make friends with me either. The way they come on here and start calling people names speaks more than you defending whoever the person is sitting behind the keyboard.

Why do you always defend toxic people?


It speaks to how they talk to people with bad arguments, who they’re likely not interested in befriending anyway.

Using logic =/= defending toxic people. Sorry but I’m not interested in arguing with emotion.

No its not.

No, defending toxic people is defending toxic people.


Ah yes, the “nuh uh!” rebuttal. Convincing.