Please add RDF

He’s not even that creative. He’s got just one insult that he uses over and over and over again.


Why in the hell would a new player even remotely think to examine if there’s such a thing as mono faction servers?

Is this really the end all be all “server identity” y’all are babbling about?

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I’m not playing WoW to make friends, I’m playing WoW to play a game and if friends happen to happen that’s fine.

They sure as hell won’t happen in 5 mans.


Exactly & QoL doesn’t make the dungeons easier or mobs weaker.


Make friends weirdo. Youll get further I promise.

Asking people to make friends? In an MMORPG? Specifically an MMORPG aimed at more traditional old-school MMORPG fans?

The horror!

Yeah i swear these guys want a single player game with a bunch of bot companions.

Go play any single player RPG from the last 20 years if you want that.

I have all the friends I want in WoW, I don’t care to make more and particularly not in 5 mans.

How desperate are you to require the attention of folks doing 5 man Wrath content?


Why are people saying friends are required to do MMO content now?


If you had a friend group you wouldnt need a system to facilitate doing dungeons for you.

Your friends would do them with you.

I think you’re confusing the word “friend” with the word “slave” and I’m not remotely shocked.


My god you’re out of your mind man.

Pathetic lmfao

Literally no one has said that. You are completely free to do any content in the game with a total group of strangers. Have at it.

They are probably confusing it with acquaintance.

It took me years to figure out the difference between the two. Friends are people who actually want to be with you for who you are and don’t just stop playing because you are not on WoW anymore. About 95% of the people, I met on this game were just dime a dozen acquaintances that had no interest other than doing group content.


I dunno, I couldn’t force an acquaintance to do stuff just cause I felt like doing a quick 5 man either, never mind a friend.


I doubt they are forcing, more exaggerating to prove a point. The wow forums is much like Wonderland. A land of nonsense. Treat it like nothing makes sense.

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If you spend a lot of time reading pro-RDF arguments, this rings a lot more true.

The fact that you view it as forcing confirms my own suspicions that most of the pro RDF die hards on here are legitmate sociopaths.

I work odd hours, what’re you gonna do.

Is the argument is that RDF ruins social interaction?

Party Leader: “LF1DPS 5kgs + checking logs”

Player: “5k inv”

Run said dungeon,

“woAh wHat aN aMazInG SociaL inteRacTIoN!!durrrrr”

Thats it, thats the social interaction.

Now, there is a place for socializing and that is in a guild. That is where the social aspect is. Unfortunately, outside of raid times there usually are not a lot of guildies on. So yes, I would like the option to jump into RDF and try my luck. At least I would be playing the game i stead of getting frustrated and logging off.