Please add RDF

Not much else to say to your illogical posts.

That’s fine, probably won’t help your fight for RDF as evidenced by the past 2 years but keep up the good fight!

Finish the quote. Another illogical thing that you do is not quoting the entire context of what people say in order to try finally win something on the forums.

I quoted the relevant part.

It sounds like you don’t know what makes something logical and what makes something illogical. You’d do well to look that up. Logic is very convincing and would definitely help you persuade others of RDF.

The absence of logic is precisely why this has gone ignored for 2 years. My use of logic is precisely why I’ve been listened to.

How is removing the context of what someone says “the relevant part”. Thats not very logical.

Oh no not Bloomsday talking down to people… what ever will we do?!


Because he’s one of the most toxic people here. He likes when people insult people in ways he’s too careful to.


What do you think relevant means?

Correcting your misuse of a word and concept =/= talking down to you.

Destroying your argument is not toxic.

Why dont you answer the question?

You did this once before… no talking down to people is talking down to people.

You’re forgetting yourself again. I’m not interested in talking to you. No one who has read your posts is interested in talking to you. I just use you as a stooge to bump the thread. I appreciate you giving me this opportunity to bump it again. I’m looking forward to you bumping it a few more times.

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Because you’re using words incorrectly again. The question doesn’t make any sense.

As did you, it’s your “nuh uh” rebuttal that doesn’t work in the face of logic.

Your obsession with referencing me and my posts says otherwise.

I just want it for up to regular heroics at least


You quote mined. You deliberately left the out the context.

Not my fault you dont understand something so simple.

Look at you removing the overall context of the post in order to make yourself look better but it just makes you look desperate.

Here is the full quote because you are saying its a “nuh uh” rebuttal.

Finally reached 80, did some character maintenance to smooth out my gear a bit and then listed myself for every heroic dungeon

There are two. TWO people listed for heroic dungeons in the group finder. Including myself.


are helping to keep this thread on the front page. Thanks for that. But for me to bump the thread I need to pick some stooge to be my straight man to reply to. You’re the perfect stooge to use for that. bump.

I don’t believe this even a little bit.

I mean. Its possible.

Between all the boe gear, current catch up raids he could have been carried through (toc 10/25, uduar 10, onyxia 10/25, heroic betas, and the emblems themselves) he could have done it. But it would have taken prep (heirlooms, conwumes, etc) and pre-planning the raids with friends and guildies with good rng on drops.

Its doable. But i do agree its unlikely.

Perfect, and now with the full quote it still distills down to a “nuh uhh” rebuttal devoid of logic. Glad we took the time to clear that up.

You realize this has been one the biggest detriments to the RDF movement, right? It isn’t good to see Pro-RDF arguments getting destroyed constantly on the front page. These threads have been front page for 2 years now. And for 2 years, Blizzard has said no.

Ideally, you’d want to hide the fact that you have zero argument and can’t offer even the tiniest of rebuttals to arguments that destroy your side. The last thing you’d want to do is put this on grand display 24/7. The fact that you think this is a good idea just sheds light on why Blizzard has made the choices that they have made the past two years.

Algalon is one of the hardest hitting bosses in this expansion. You can’t go from level 1 to getting enough Ulduar gear to tank this guy in one raid lock out. It didn’t happen.

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You can, purely because toc 10/25, ony 10/25, boe gear, ulduar 10, ulduar and toc boe gear, and beta heroics/emblem gear.

Im not saying it is likely due to rng and requiring being carried. Im not even saying i believe he did it. But it is possible.

Don’t stop there. you forgot chromie time AND warmode.

2 more layers to never see people again possibly lol.

You know how all those wrath exotics pets in the basin can be hard as hell to get.

Here is how I got my 2 loques. in 2 days. less than 5 minutes a day in retail

Take a chromie time for anything except wrath. NOt wrath is key here…
Turn on warmode.
Take boat to northrend and fly to basin (level 30 iirc).

you have now set up a phase/layer it is quite possilble you are the only one it it. if you picked a good one…you will be the only say chromie cata phased hunter with warmode phase to boot in that entire Northrend “instance”.

My first loque…literally there on my first landing on known loops. easiest catch ever. second one I had to, sigh…, fly 2 minutes.

so yeah good luck getting a UK run in a phase its possible to be the only one in it.

To see a UK run you’d need to be in wrath chromie and matching warmade setting to 4 others there. All must be on or off.

and all on the same server (lets remove x-realm too). This ain’t happening.