Please add RDF

Everyone doesn’t. Lots of players only have 1 or 2 and mostly just raid log.

Rdf as it was in original wrath would be enough for most of us. That’s all we’ve been asking for all along.


How do you know?

So the majority of players already have more than one max level raiding char but you think your RDF argument is people won’t level alts because no RDF… How many alts do people need to have now days? Such baby whining

It’s simply not the reality. I have always played one toon in WoW. In vanilla, TBC, cata, legion, and bfa.

In wrath classic I have 6 80s because of how easy it is to level alts and make them relevant.

I leveled a paladin the week before JJ ended right before TOGC, and got it geared enough to main tank TOGC and Ulduar in a week.

You keep going back to need. People don’t need rdf to level up. They don’t need quests. They can just farm and level to 80. People don’t need any alts. They can play the game with just their main. They don’t even need to play the game at all. They can go for a walk or watch more tv instead.

People play games for fun. Playing with other people in an MMO in dungeons and raids is fun for lots of people. Spending time looking for people to play with instead of actually playing the game isn’t fun for most people. After rdf was added everyone I knew was leveling lots of alts. Many had an alt at cap in every class. They didn’t need any of them. They just did it because it was fun.


“I leveled during Joyous Journeys so leveling isn’t tedious now that JJ is over”


Yeah you missed the point.

From level 1 to main tanking Algalon 25 in a week.

How much easier can it get?

During Joyous Journeys, yes

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Ok so without JJ add a few days to the leveling. The point is the same.

It’s really not


Yeah it is. I was able to gear a character to tank the hardest hitting raid boss in the game in 3 days.

JJ had no impact on that.

And for you fun is apparently complaining here about everything. You still pay for the game. You have the entire time. Someday you will learn how u healthy it is to act like this. Like they said 1 thousand times why they didn’t put it in yet you don’t give a f. What about the people who feel like the cross realm stuff ruins server identity? They don’t count? Fun is subjective. My whole point is you guys act like spoiled children complaining until you get your way.

No, it isn’t. For starters, with JJ going on you had plenty of other people also leveling new alts to take advantage of the buff, giving you a much larger group of players to play with. Now that it’s over, not only is the exp gain lower, but there are fewer people leveling alts to play with, making it way less likely to actually get into dungeons


I played with 0 randoms.

I have friends in the game. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from me.

Ah yes, the good old “I can’t actually contest your point so I’m going to attack you directly to diminish your argument”

I think we’re done here


They think RDF will allow them to que for any leveling dungeons at anytime and get a group within 20 minutes to run. It somehow magically takes a game focused on the endgame from 20 years ago and turns it into a fresh new questing world teeming with new stuff to do. Like questing is the most monotonous part of the game when you have done it 300 times over the years lol. Then with all the new dungeons and difficulties and skips to raids and loot drops to heroic pluses from raids they don’t want anything to do with that content lol.

Yeah because you’re assuming how I accomplished the feat.

Clearly because you would have to do it the way you described. Get friends, and your problems go away.

See what you just said. People aren’t doing the dungeons to begin with. RDF doesn’t change that. Way to go proving our point

Actually, I think RDF will entice people, myself included (for example, I wanted to level this Druid restoration, but couldn’t due to the lack of dungeons) to level tanks and healers

Which, you know…helps out the dps looking for dungeons too. But you don’t want to accept that


You can’t afford dual spec?