Please add RDF

  1. I am dual specced Resto and Balance
  2. Has literally nothing to do with the point of wanting to play Resto, but can’t, because there are no dungeons being run

The only thing I’m posting on is rdf. I’ll post occasionally on some side issue but the only thing I’m asking for is that rdf be added to the game

When they announced they were removing rdf I unsubbed. I came back when they launched DF. I’m bored now with DF so I unsubbed again. I’ve got about a week left on my sub then I’m gone. I’m sure some people will be celebrating that. I won’t be back unless they add rdf.

Absolutely. And you don’t have to use rdf if you don’t want to play cross realm. You can still form groups with the /4 chat channel or spamming trade or even using the retail lfg they added to wrath. You don’t have to level alts. You can just raid log. If rdf is added you can still do whatever it is that’s fun for you.


Then why should you care if rdf is added for the people who want to pug? Are you afraid that your friends would rather use rdf than play with you?


:rofl: This is just funny at this point at how many people say, “just get friends,” on the forums. It is like do they think friends drop from the sky or something?

Honestly at this point it sounds more like a passive aggressive insult.


That’s all it is. It’s also a lie. Either they don’t do dungeons very often, just enough to get a piece of gear or they don’t level alts or don’t do dungeons when they level alts. I wish people would just admit that they don’t find doing a lot of dungeons fun instead of lying that you can do a lot of dungeons and level a lot of alts if you just had friends.


It always was.

They simply try to make you feel lesser than them.

For wanting to play a game btw.


Except for the people who wanted server identity. And taking from the pool of Ayers they could be with to. But sure. And you type are always just back from a break and unsubbed already it’s just running out lol. Always some excuse you come back for that isn’t the reason why you left.

Here’s an idea: how about you and the twelve other anti-RDF folks make social connections and run dungeons the way you see fit, and everyone else gets to enjoy RDF since it’ll objectively improve the game?


Complains about retail, demands begining of retail changes be made. Makes sense

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The only chance you ever had of this was on era and y’all fled that instantly.

Garbage argument.


Lol so you can dismiss others but they can’t dismiss you, makes sense.

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No, but if you think current classic has, or ever had, any sense of server identity you’re clearly not playing the game.


The only server that i remember having any type of “identity” was Moon Guard. And i leveled a warlock on that server just to do 1 thing. To bring an infernal from the Dark Portal every now and then and wipe out the Inn and all this was before RDF came in.

RDF doesnt kill server identity or anything else, people just really dont care about it in the first place. New players arent asking what servers have what identity, hell they dont even care if its an eastern server or western server.

All this talk about server identity or server community is just nonsense.

I bet these people could say what identity each server has in Wrath Classic right now.


They don’t even have the means to find out if they’re rolling alliance on a horde dominated mono faction server so yeah, it has never been a thing.

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No, you missed the point. A lot of us aren’t looking for the easiest and quickest path to end game raiding. We’re looking to have fun leveling up. I only rush to cap on my healer so she’s ready to heal the raids. I take time and enjoy the journey on all my other alts. I don’t care how long it takes. I just want to have fun and for me that means doing a lot of dungeon runs.


There is already many games with rdf type systems in it.

If you feel you need that system in a game to enjoy it you have a lot of other options in games you can play.

Um… you can get an idea from multiple websites that show faction sizes and such. Sure they are not 100% accurate, but they will give a decent idea.

So yes new players have the option of finding out the estimated faction sizes of servers. Them chosing not to use it doesnt mean it isn’t there.

Yeah if you can’t make friends then you’re a loser and should feel bad.

I’ll be the dad you never had if thats what you need

Frankly I wish we had started asking for rdf from day one of classic. But we were respectful of the game being re-released as it was and respectful of those who loved that version of the game. If we had known how selfish and disrespectful you were we would have asked for the changes we wanted in your game when it was released.


And yet that is exactly what you are asking for with rdf. Easy fast leveling through dungeons. Easy fast starter gear for raiding through spamable random heroic dungeons.