Please add RDF

I want to lvl a tank in lk, but just thinking I will just be farm questing instead of tanking dungeons via rdf just made me quit and play classic era. At least quest farming there is way more appealing and fun.

At this point there’s no real reason to why they haven’t added it. After all the changes wotlk has got but not adding an actual system from wotlk is unreasonable.

Technically i don’t the 25 man loot being shifted to 10 man but that ties in with the whole H++ thing.

Basically all their crap changes from the original yeah.

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Lot’s of people aren’t doing the old content because finding a group is too tedious and annoying. We don’t know how many raid loggers will decide to level an alt with rdf but some could. I’ve just unsubbed because I’m bored with Df and haven’t been playing wrath because there is no rdf. I’ll be gone in about 10 days and won’t be back until rdf is added. There’s a few dozen people who used to post here in favor of rdf. We don’t know why they’re no longer posting but if they quit they might come back if rdf is added. Rdf addresses the reasons why so few people are doing the old content.


If the LFG tool was working as intended I’d be against RDF, but I can’t wait till they add it back in ICC. It will be a less QQ and more pewpew moment in wotlk classic.

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Deep down I feel like they don’t want people to have fun on Wrath, want the game to die, and want to transition people into the trashcan that D4 is


A clever plan ruined by…how d4 goes.

Noting I don’t hate the game. I just…wait for season 1 to play lol.

I dabble since it has fun moments. BUt I am not going full bore game play knowing I will be in season.

Same thing I do in other ARPG’s like warhammer 40k inquisitor.
I don’t do off season play there. I spam seasons. Gonna put in 200hours of play…I want those hours getting more goodies lol.

Well that and final balancing won’t even be in till season. I run barb. they killed WW. For reasons I get. 10 more years of spin 2 win…would be boring as hell. Now I see what they do to HOTA.

I like hota. its waiting to see how they nerf that in season as many WW refugees ran to it, however.

Based take but unfortunately i think most posters on here are bots.

Imagine thinking “just accept the flawed product we have and stop asking for something better” is a good take


While I personally would prefer RDF In the game, I think it’s so far into the expansion pack that I doubt blizzard would add RDF.

They usually add things that benefit them monetary like WoW token, which I feel neutral about.

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Bring your own lube.

Imagine crying about RDF for a year until you get your way.

It does not address why people aren’t doing old content at all. The fraction that won’t do them now won’t make an impact in RDF. Acting like you can’t do old content if it isnt auto grouped is funny af

Do you know how absolutely dead leveling dungeons, heroic dungeons and timewalking dungeons would be without RDF? Good luck finding a group manually. And good luck getting people to bother traveling to the entrance.


It literally does though.

Tedium and time investment is all you need to draw that conclusion.

We’re not in a lockdown anymore and I frankly doubt a fresh classic would be remotely as succesful as this one was.


I don’t think you know what crying is


No one is acting like you can’t do old content without rdf. This is your strawman you use because you lack the intelligence for rational dialog. I actually knew a player in original vanilla who was leveling up an alt with just herbalism. I lost touch with him but he was in the 40’s and never did a quest and only killed when attacked while gathering herbs. My hunter spent so much time just farming for cloth for my holy priest that he got a lot of levels that way. You can level without dungeons, without questing, you can do it without wearing armor.

What it comes down to is a choice as to what is fun. For many players the tedium of looking for a group is so annoying and frustrating that they decide not to bother leveling an alt. When you eliminate the tedium more people will level alts. Why do you think the number of dungeon runs spiked after rdf was added? Why did many people who only leveled an alt or two in OG vanilla and BC level up an alt of every class after rdf was added? Maybe you like the process of finding people to play with but there’s a lot of people who find it so unfun they’d rather just raid log.


This is very well stated. If you don’t like RDF, don’t use it.

Gatekeepers, you are killing the game. There needs to be a fresh pool of bodies to pull from. Those fresh bodies (players) need gear. When your guild dies or you spend more time looking for a tank, dps or healer than it would have taken you to run the dungeon with a lesser geared one, congratulations, you’ve played yourself.

Dont be scared to take a lesser geared player. The fact that you, the gatekeeper, needs everyone to be overgeared exposes how bad you are at this game.

With the skips, the five to ten minutes plus it takes to find your 5k+ gs instead of a 4-4.5k is trivial.


If that’s the case why does everyone already have an army of alts ? Don’t worry I’ll wait.

RDF is for the leveling process. That’s the big argument they use. Now you come in talking about endgame dungeons and needing to gear chars easier. Literally proving the point. With you scrubs it’s never enough.