Please add RDF

Hard doubt, just shows again

Could be, or you are not getting the point. Works both ways in a conversation.

Already tried but then people like Kelliste come without reading anything and just want to reharsh it. Thanks btw

Nope, never did.

What actions? The fact that one my first literally was that I see the issues of not having RDF? Again, it shows you didnt read anything. But go on, continue purposely misinterpreting stuff in life. I don’t mind

I am better than forums but thats beside the point. I know you left the game a long time ago, so I was right.

So you are telling me… Whispering people, forming groups, walking to the dungeon is as social as hitting a button, getting 4 randoms, getting teleported and not saying a word? I think you can tell how out of touch that sounds.

It actually does for them, not for me because I’m used to RDF.

It does… If you are say it doesn’t exist you are literally discrediting millions of people have been fighting for classic. But hey I assume you are guy that would just say “dont care those boomers can go play era”

Never said any lies but ok :slight_smile:


You don’t judge that. I already said before (which you most likely didnt read), stop speaking for everyone.

I’m happy you barely experienced that. Doesnt mean it’s the experience for everyone.

No I am not. I putting two arguments together and accepting both. Thats how a conversation generally starts. What you guys are doing is point fingers at someone (on both sides) and say LOL I DEBUNKED YOU, YOU ARE NOT RIGHT LOL NOW GO BYE.

If you have read everything before, you would know that someone literally said no, there is no toxicity. So who is right now? You or the other Pro-RDF? You guessed it. None. Everyone has other experiences and you have to accept them to able to have a genuine discussion and not a strawmen pin-pointing bashing.

Besides that it has been 10 years, you are highlighting my point. My young me would have never done that pre-RDF. We did it because “lol idc who that guy is”. Really start using your brain when you say such arguments.
Never have I said people don’t want to do dungeons, most just do it and they are fine with that but others are just there to troll you and without and sanctions.

Nonsense statement but whatever most of what you wrote is nonsense… It is a glorious end tho

Just shows what again? Or did I read the sentence that you didnt finish improperly?

Oh, no I get the point people are trying to make, its just wrong. The truth doesnt change just because someone else wants it to.

So its my fault you have no self control, more you blaming other people instead of yourself.

Really? Even though its been pointed out multiple times including myself? And you want to say I dont read when you dont read, clearly. Quit projecting.

What do you mean what actions? Are you not aware what you are typing out in these forums? You even blamed the downfall of wow on RDF.

Does that look familiar to you? Thats anti-RDF propaganda.

Forums arent a person. Care to try again?

Actual strawman argument and its getting called out again.

You get whispers? I just get invites and nothing said, then 1 person says “summons inc” then the dungeon is finished and then at the end people say “thx” and hearth out. Also doing a dungeon with others is social interaction by definition.

No it doesnt.

It doesnt, and there arent millions of people playing. Quit with this hyperbolic nonsense.

Why do you throw the insult in there? Projecting more?

yes you have.

You are a liar.

I dont judge what? That most people are saying the complaints arent to the level that anti-RDF people are saying they are? Sure I can because I actually read these forums.

Ill do what I want, you dont tell me what to do. Get that superiority complex under control.

Ill say what the anti-RDFers say to us, if this toxic stuff is happening to you so much, maybe its you.

Yes you are, and I just showed it earlier in this post.

Who? You said it was me before but thats a lie, so who?

Not you.

So you are the toxic one, which this forum proves. Thank you for agreeing with me, now leave.


Not going to leave but going to ignore you which is the best seeing you are an avid forum user. People warned me about them… Never thought I would actually encounter such a real clown. (btw all you said is nonsense and I honestly don’t even bother wasting my breath for that. And no, you can’t bait me into replying to it)

That is an absolute shame.

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No one socializes during Wrath dungeons cause we’re busy doing the danged dungeon.

This isn’t vanilla where you have to sit down for 2 minutes to drink every pull.


just report their post for being inappropriate since all they can do is insult others. like the anti-rdf crowd can only do it seems. everyone sees them for what they actually are now.


Disagreeing with you isnt insulting you…

Im sorry if you not getting your echo chamber is so offensive to you. :roll_eyes:

Thats not a disagreement, thats an insult. But what should anyone expect from you?


Funny thing is, the ones who flag these post are the anti-RDF crowd. Funnier, that their biggest reasoning was it “ruins social aspect”, but aren’t these post a from of social aspect? lol. Irony.

I’m also less likely to mess with dungeons while leveling due to the hassle of forming a group, so I’ll personally have that much less social interaction because I feel forced to quest.


I finally got to TBC on this Druid last night, here’s my dungeon report throughout the leveling experience

Deadmines: 1 run at the offer of a friend to carry me

Stockades: 3 runs, 1 from the same friend above, 2 from the same group that actually formed in group finder

Scarlet Monastery Armory: 2 runs from the same party from group finder

Uldaman: 1 run from group finder

Zul’Farrak: 1 run from group finder, where the party leader decided to bring their overleveled friend to tank, so I got no exp, and it was a very rough run because said tank refused to use any aoe to hold aggro

Lower Blackrock Spire: 1 run at the request of an overleveled guildie that just needed an extra warm body for his group

Total dungeons: 9

Total groups from group finder: 4

Needless to say, I am not in the least bit convinced that group finder is active. We’ll see how TBC goes…


That person tried to have a conversation and was constantly insulted, had what they said intentionally misrepresented into strawmans, and was told to go away. It is no suprises she insulted back at the end because of how all of you behaved to her and she was Pro rdf. All because she acknowledged that rdf does have negative effects on some aspects of the game.

No they werent.

No they werent.

Because they were toxic which is shown in several quotes of theirs.

I never insulted whoever that person is, also its no surprise they are still toxic after admitting they were toxic before.

Wrong, anti-RDF and there are quotes that prove it.

Wrong again. That person said that it killed social interaction and it doesnt. This has already been debunked many times. They werent just saying “there are some negatives!” now were they. Saying it kills social interaction isnt saying “there are some negatives that you guys refuse to acknowledge” which is an actual strawman because everyone that I have seen that is pro-RDF says that there are some negatives but are not on the level that people like you claim. Saying you had over an hour long queue in wrath which is a lie, that it kills social interaction, that toxicity becomes rampant because of anonymity and people arent accountable to their server (name changes remove that accountability) though its not at the level you claim.

People are already not talking as a majority and the exceptions create a rule.


We all acknowledge this, it’s just not the social aspect and classic is absolutely all the proof we need to determine this.

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I find it absolutely hilarious that when they are pressed to back up what they are saying they disappear. For instance that warlock said that I said there were no negatives and when I asked them to back it up they called me a clown and ran away. Red has done this as well. Almost like they are alts.


“You’ve all dismantled all my points repeatedly, so I’ll just say you ignore my points and look like a victor.”

Yes Red, that’s how this works.



But muh server community!!! DK # 324522


It happens all the time. These 2 are really the only 2 anti-RDF people left.

I also dont know how you can act like you are pro-RDF and say it killed WoW at the same time.


That one is extraordinarily easy to explain.

He heard it on reddit. Basically the “do your own research” crowd.


Its a contradiction though. Unless they want this iteration of Wrath to die… it makes absolutely no sense.

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Not in the slightest.

I was obliging their request and “threat” in hopes that they follow through. But they won’t. They posture and pound their chest like a gorilla when they are only an amoeba.

They aren’t pro RDF. They are simply a troll with invalid arguments.

It certainly does for a VERY small group of people. That group is inconsequential when it comes to the masses. But do keep on trying to be a white knight. You’re not going to have “her” magically fall into your arms.