Please add RDF

I think they are the same person. They act almost identical.


Would make sense. I miss the old forums where you could get a google extension that displayed all alts. I also miss the thumbs down.

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Something we agree on.

Nice conspiracy theory :ok_hand:

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its an opinion, not a conspiracy theory, entirely based on mannerisms, actions and what is said. its basically identical.


I haven’t bothered to play much as I mostly play solo. I don’t enjoy having to interact with people so RDF was a great feature for me. Raid finder as well. I rarely did the regular raids. If you don’t want to give it to us in the main classic servers just give us one server. If it gets full give us another and link them together. You still have a Vanilla classic server separate from the rest, give us one with the dungeon finder and raid finder when you do Cata classic.


What doesn’t make sense is that RDF was implemented a full year before Cata launched and it continued to gain players all through that year. Wow’s decline started a week or two after Cata launched so saying RDF was the cause of wows decline is false. Not only that, Cata continued to have millions of people playing it so the dislike the anti-rdf people want you to believe wasn’t as great as they say it was.


Please add RDF.


it’s called Random Dungeon Finder, it is a tool to help Random people get random groups!

if you have circle/guild/friends then you’re fine and you can keep forming groups with them but the LFD will help the random people who need it.


By god don’t use facts you’ll hurt him!


Bring back RDF.


I will be honest, I have acknowledge those problems and talking points presented to me in the past… but in reality, the lack of RDF hasn’t really achieved anything you are hoping it would.

Like the things you complain about with RDF also happens here in wrath classic without RDF…

And those downsides you speak off is happening in Wrath classic aswell.

Whenever you want to deny it or not, its been since 2019 I played classic since launch and still do on and off, the amount of social interaction I have seen from my experience in 4 years of playing is just the same amount that I have seen on retail. Only social interaction you get now and days is through guilds.

Server communities in classic at some point kinda stopped mattering when mega servers became a thing

Remember you made a fuss about how 24 gold from a random heroic dungeon from RDF will have disastrous consequences to the economy? I still do, and the current economy has already had these consequences before wrath classic even came out. In terms of raw gold, 24 gold is pretty terrible from a completion is terrible.

I mean in the past 4 years of classic have shown us, what makes people really talk is the individual that decides to start a conversation, not RDF or manually forming the group. Its a rare sight to see someone talking during a dungeon in Wrath classic.

I am going to be completely honest with you, I have been playing classic on and off for 4 years, during my 4 years I don’t remember anyone I have ever ran with during vanilla classic, TBCC and this WOTLKC, even the daily run I have ran 24 hours ago.

And I have been saying this for months now to the Anti’s, keeping out RDF didn’t change anything and didn’t achieve goals that they hope it would.

I’m not refusing to acknowledge them here, its just keeping out RDF doesn’t change anything you hope it would.

Your still just as anonymous in a mega server as you are in RDF.

Taking out a tool that “removes” social interaction is still not going to make people talk, simple as that, some people just list themselves on LFG and wait for an invite or spam LFG channel and the only social interaction that your going to get is a “hey” and “GG EZ Clap run”.

All keeping RDF does add a problem that doing dungeons while leveling will just take longer and regular heroics and alpha is pretty much dead in the water to my understanding.


People hate on RDF more than the wow token.

They do and it’s so weird.

Something that was originally in wrath vs something that was never in Wrath.

But somehow the one that was originally in wrath doesn’t belong, or something…


Me too! I don’t know why people don’t want RDF. The LFG tool sucks. I’m not going to lie, it’s the worst tool ever when it comes to finding groups. When you request to join a group. You’re literally stuck there waiting for the group leader to make up his or hers mind while other groups are being formed and by the time they either declined you. The other group that you could have possibly joined has already filled. There’s no way to take yourself off their list either. You just have to wait to either get accepted or get declined.


Sometimes when I make a group and we have like 3 dps and a tank and we’re only missing a healer, I get random invite requests and all it tells me is the player name, that tells me nothing so I have to open up the LFG tool to see who even is requesting and when I see it’s a Warlock I just… this tool sucks.


Never left just can’t be bothered with you. Talking to a wall gets boring pretty fast. Have better things to do in life.
Besides i never said it killed wow :slight_smile: You never read anything :slight_smile: I said it changed wow, which again, is just a fact.

Or sometimes it won’t show what classes are in other raids when you’re searching for a VoA so you’re left guessing and whispering the leader to see if they need your class / spec because you don’t want to request an invite just to get left there for the next 5 minutes while another group is forming.

You might have never said it killed WoW, but many Anti’s certainly do.

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Which i am not and for whatever reason he accused me that without any proof just “lol you are anti-rdf because you disagree with the stupid things I say”
But hey I dont care at this point. Some guys in the forums are just lost in the clouds