Player Housing in World of Warcraft


  1. NEIGHBORHOODS = Neighborhoods are instanced. Each neighborhood has its own name, but they are all based on the same zone. Only characters that are members of the guild are allowed to purchase plots in guild villages. In the search tool you can see all the available neighborhoods and how many player plots or guild plots are used in each. If you click on the neighborhood name, it will display all the characters and guilds who own plots in that neighborhood. As current neighborhoods fill up, the game will automatically create new ones for players to move into. It is also possible for a guild to buy a private neighborhood. In the Blizzard Balance Shop there is a Guild Writ of the “zone name”. You can purchase this and activate it to create a guild specific neighborhood. The neighborhood will belong to the guild, not the person who creates it with the writ. Once you’ve created a guild specific neighborhood, you’ll see it added to the Neighborhood Search tool as “Guild Name” Village. It is also possible for a guild to have more than one Village, but not more than one guild hall across the different villages. Only characters that are members of the guild are allowed to purchase plots in guild villages.

  2. PLOTS = Each neighborhood has 100 player plots available for purchase. Players can own up to three plots in total across all neighborhoods. There are also four guild plots in each neighborhood, but a guild can only own one guild plot across all neighborhoods. Plots have a purchase cost and an upkeep cost. These costs vary by the plot. You can find this information (as well as ownership information, if it’s already owned) by clicking on the stone marker on a plot’s border. You can go to a plot very quickly by clicking on the transportation (portal) pillar near the entering zone line. It will bring up a list of all the plots in the neighborhood. You can sort by area, address, type and owner and you can filter for player, guild, owned and vacant.

  3. HOUSES = You have the option of placing a house on your plot. Doing so grants you access to another instanced zone (the interior of the house). Whereas the neighborhood is a public zone to which anyone can access, your house is private with the option of granting access to whomever you want. Houses are entered and exited by clicking on their front doors. There are one room houses and three room houses available in one of four levels and in various styles. The combination of the number of rooms and the level determine what you can place and/or store in your house and what the upkeep is for the house. The four levels are: Hut, House, Residence, and Domicile. Each house (and apparently crates and plots) has two types of storage. The first is the total storage allowed and the second is the number of “any items” or of non-placeable items. This is the number of regular inventory items you can store in the house. There are also Manors available from either the Blizzard Balance Shop or the Loyalist Vendor NPC.

  4. Complete Standard Guild Hall Package - Complete Grand Guild Hall Package - Complete Modest Guild Hall Package & the Complete Palatial Guild Hall Package which It may be the luxury and expensive version of the four. NOTE: Complete Palatial Guild Hall Package = This is a collection of all basic guildhall items. It includes: Palatial Guild Hall - Collection of Standard Guild Furnishings - Collection of Standard Guild Services - Collection of Extra High Value Guild Furnishings.



If you want to see how this would go down do a search on Ultima Online player housing crisis. It was a disaster… it would have to be instanced and follow the same model as SWTOR or ESO.


Yay! Another housing post!

TLDR: no


can we let this idea die please ?


brief? no, this response is brief.


This post refer more as the EverQuest Game one, which It would be a very cool thing to have in an active and progressing game as WoW.


I will always be in favor of housing. As of TWW, it’s the only major feature other MMOs have that WoW is not competitive with.






Whoo, yes to player housing! :grin:


Alternately they could do GW2’s neighborhoods (admittedly the customization is limited, it’s always in your race’s capital - tricky for some ARs - and the variation is based on stuff you’ve purchased for it (limited to stuff like gathering nodes) or quests you’ve done based on stuff like your origin, which is a level of reactivity wow just doesn’t do well) which would simplify things heavily.

And GW2 has kind of often been the go-to for mmos wow imitated features from.

Also the eternal proposal for guild halls, which mostly usually gets shot down with “it’s only fun for the guild officers” which ime is not how it is in GW2 and sometimes feels like it betrays the kind of players some of the devs might be - plus even just claiming a hall in GW2 is a questline.

that’s some segregation bs

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Yes to housing. Big YES! to Wildstar-style player housing.

No, Garrisons were not housing.


The Dead Horse Has been Beat.

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I do like the idea of Guild neighborhoods that individual character housing can be placed into. Maybe with some kind of central area that can be developed by guild members. Feels like a good compromise for guild halls, which Blizzard has (correctly) pointed out would be too easily abused by rogue guild leaders.


Every MMO I’ve played with player housing always seems like it ends up with empty and ultimately pointless (from a game mechanic standpoint) housing.

It seems like a big use of dev resources for something that doesn’t tie in to the world very well. At least the old main cities tied into the story or game world somehow. Unless they do like an alternate timeline where sylvanas sieges your kitchen…

I’d rather they bring back class halls as a permanent feature and give you some part of the hall you could claim as “yours”.

So guild communes?

I’m sold.


Especially if, when you logged out, your character was just like hanging out at the house vibing visible to other people in the neighborhood.

I would love to wave hi to my alts in passing lol


please. thank you :slight_smile:
i often get in the mood to just putter around and decorate. it’s too expensive to do all the time in real life so i do it in games. that is always when i ditch wow to go play something else that will let me do that


Since I don’t feel bad about derailing a thread to nowhere…

I was there for that. Any spot that could fit a house, there was a house. Players would camp out waiting for houses that were set to decay, as all the lockdowns in the house would release and the area would flood with loot.

Did I mention lockdowns? Each house had a set number of lockdowns to fix items to. It was a generous number. Houses were very close together. If you were simply trying to move across what used to be empty terrain you now found houses, with lockdowns. And you would stop moving as your game client tried to render each and every lockdown and load all of the game info. Hundreds and hundreds of lockdowns. Lag city.

Good times. Houses were fun.