Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2

Or… and hear me out here you can stop being a blizzard shill, and expect them to have a working product without the community solving there problems. It is actually crazy how you decided to reply to me.


I would expect blizzard to fix this issue… I’m not downloading any add ons or using script commands every reload. It’s not much to ask they fix the game millions of players are paying for. Worked fine before a random update yesterday.

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lol this is just being a crybaby. There is an EASY option to move on and play the game. You would rather not play and cry on the forums, ya’ll got issues.

Far from a blizzard shill lol, but this issue is easily fixed with a 10 second download of an action bar addon. If i were a blizzard shill, as you say, I would not say that the blizzard action bars suck.

I guess there is a reason hunters have the reputation that they do. But you do you booboo keep being a diva.

I Can’t even download add ons to Fix it, so no it’s not easily fixed. I play using GeForce now app. It currently doesn’t support add ons… this is a blizzard problem and should be fixed by blizzard not the players having to use third party add ons.

That’s a very unique situation, you’re literally the only person I’ve ever even seen say that they play a 20 year old game on geforce now.

And I never said that blizzard should not fix it. I’m just making fun of the diva crybabies that keep whining saying they wont download an addon so they can keep playing.

Lol I play a lot of games using GeForce now. Don’t have a gaming computer so I play all PC games using GeForce. I probably am a unique case, but unfortunately still needs to be fixed on their end not just pushed to the side.

Same here, hunter and mage. I downloaded Bartender, that works as a temp fix.

I am so frickin’ tired of people who equate “crying” with expecting someone YOU PAY just do their job and getting frustrated WHEN THEY RARELY DO.

That’s cute. You know they never did fix the HH mount in Wrath. They still haven’t fixed Reins of the Golden King. There’s a long, long list of crappy bugs they haven’t fixed. So YEAH. People grow more frustrated with every bug that Blizzard cares jack all about fixing.

Go polish your armor, mount your trusty steed and white knight elsewhere.


signed and my account expires in 5 days so yea gg blizzard

No, it’s “crying” when there is an easy solution to the problem as you wait for the fix. But you REFUSE to simply perform the very simple fix, such as downloading 1 of 3 addons. “Move anything, Dominos, Bartender”. It’s literally that easy. But nooooooo people like you would rather cry like a girl on the forums “that will do nothing for you by the way”.

Hardly game breaking, who cares about mounts?

Hardly game breaking, who cares about mounts?

They generally do a pretty good job at fixing game breaking bugs. Willing to bet this gets fixed rather quickly.

Also… again… there is a quick very simple work around you can do rather than QQ on the forums.

Is this what Blizzard shills are doing these days? Shrugging off every bug as inconsequential? Every holiday event that’s bugged, every mount, every phasing issue, every broken quest chain, every bugged BG weekend, every UI glitch, every raid bug…

And by the way, you don’t get to say what’s important to other players.

LOL sure they do. Like this one:

Or you can just go here and read the plethora of bugs STILL not fixed:

Well that’s the thing - Blizzard couldn’t care less about fixing bugs that players can’t do much about let alone the ones that players can work around. So yeah, I downloaded yet another addon to take care of something I shouldn’t even have to worry about. I can’t count the number of times I’ve downloaded addons/scripts/worked around bugs because of Blizzard’s incompetence. I should be getting paid at this point.


Again, not a Blizzard shill, just because you keep touting that lie, does not make it true. I’m critical on them when it’s time to be critical… this simply is not one of those times. Is it a bug? Yes. Is it easily fixable by the playerbase until next reset? Yes. Should people come to the forums and cry about it? No… it does no good. You’re LITERALLY just coming here to QQ.

Sure I do. Watch I’ll do it again. Who gives a damn about mounts? They are cosmetic and have zero factor on the playability of the game.

This was fixed weeks ago, you must be slow, or you don’t read patch notes, or you don’t raid to know that it’s been fixed. Or all 3. I’ve seen 2 people complain about raid continuation. IF this was not user error, then yes… that’s something to be critical of, and Blizzard needs to address it immediatly. But the fact that it’s not all over the forums tells me since this WOULD be a big deal… most likely user error.

Once again, they do an okay job at fixing game breaking bugs. Vanity mounts and stuff that means nothing, eh who cares?

Well then you must not be able to count very high, I guess that makes sense. Also, did you make the addons? Or did you just download the work of somebody else? Why should you get paid for the work somebody else did? That’s some Biden logic right there.

Can confirm. It’s every pet bar across all classes on Cata classic. It’s a persistent problem whether you use addons, or use BLIZZARD’S OWN UI!!! I just pray this isnt the basic and simple UI problem with the Auction House that has existed since Cata Classic’s release. These are two functions that are BASIC, yet have been filled with Errors. Never had a single problem with these functionalities across my entire experience with WoW Classic since the vanilla release, which was pre-Covid. Can Blizzard release these updates on a test realm to confirm whether or not they brick BLIZZARDS OWN UI, before they force it upon us on the day MOST PEOPLE RAID???

I don’t run addons and you guys keep breaking your own stuff!!! How is it that game was more functional over a decade ago, than it is now? is Copy paste hard?

No it’s not. I just tested it on bartender and dominos, and my pet bar is visible and the hot keys i have assigned to my pets work on both.

What UI problem with the AH? I legit don’t know about it since I use TSM and that is working just fine. If there is a vanilla AH bug yeah that’s frustrating and should have been top prio to fix.

If you don’t run addons, how do you know that it is a problem if you use addons or not? Because… it’s not.

Well when it was originally out there was a much larger team working on it. Sadly cata classic has a very small team. We all knew that going in though.

It’s not copy paste, so moot point.

Here’s a reality check for you. You can either:

  1. Use the script or the addon to fix the problem right now.
  2. Wait for Blizzard to fix the problem. That might be a day, a week or a month.

You cannot control what blizzard does. You can control what you do. So instead of being whiny entitled scrub and pointlessly demanding blizzard fix it, how about you take some action and fix it yourself. or you can wait some random time for bliz to fix it. Your choice.

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Same issue here, repaired the game, deactivated all add-ons, nothing changed. It’s a bug.

You aren’t important enough to decide what matters to other players. This is pure hubris on your part.

Same thread from yesterday:

And here’s how you have to work around another raid bug:

Partial Solve-
This happened to my raid this week in BoT. We killed 2/5H on Tuesday, then came back Thursday to do normal council with 1 new person who wasn’t with us on Tuesday. Killed council on normal and couldn’t set it back to heroic. The one new person had a different raid ID.
We ran out of instance and disbanded raid, everyone logged out and logged back in. Alt F4 didnt work, had to logout. couple folks had to exit wow completely. Everyone was able to re-enter on Heroic except for the 1 person who wasn’t there on Tuesday. Only problem was, council was back up. We killed it on normal with NO NEW RAIDERS, then had our replacement come in for H cho’gall after re-clearing council.

And the dungeon bug where higher level players are getting placed in low level dungeons using RDF STILL PERSISTS.

And you deny you’re shilling for Blizzard :roll_eyes:. This is just another example of you excusing Blizzard’s incompetence because you KNOW a lot of people care. The cool thing about the HH mount was you could fly into a no fly zone without being dismounted since it was also a ground mount. Just an added perk - kinda’ like the perk of carrying a passenger with the Vial of sands mount. Except you can’t because your passenger gets kicked off. Who cares? The people who spent an extraordinary time farming this mount.

As for the HH mount, Blizzard had this to say:

Except they didn’t intend to “sort out anything.” The Cata pre patch took care of that … years later.

Pretending that bugs don’t matter is absurd. The bugs and glitches with mounts, phasing, UI, holiday events, raids, dungeons, transmog, quests, blah blah… all add up to a buggy mess of a game. This is just ONE more thing on top of dozens and dozens of other things. Just ONE MORE THING to work around. It’s gotten beyond old.

Yes. And when the housepainters miss a section of your house, just go paint it yourself. And when the steak you ordered is brought to your table undercooked, just take it back to the kitchen and throw it on the grill yourself. And when you take your car in for maintenance and they fail to change the oil, just change it yourself.

Why expect people you pay to do a job to actually do their job when you can do it yourself? You big crybabies.

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Grown men, let that sink in.