[CATA] Problem with ID raid on heroic

Sorry if this is not the place for this. Today my guild was trying Atramedes (H), the raid was started yesterday (saturday) and we were hoping to finish it today.
Today (sunday) we include 2 new raiders to fill spots, at the start they zone in normal, but after the first wipe, they could not zone in.
We verified that they obtained a different ID than ours (the same on both) and were never able to enter while the raid was set on heroic. They could only enter once we set the raid to normal, and we finished the raid in normal mode with them.
We try to reset the raid, remake the group, etc. We are sure and confident they didnt pug.
Is this normal? i mean, can we include new players on heroic mode, or we did something bad?


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Yeah this has been an issue for a bit now and Blizzard really needs to look into it.

I was checking some raid lock out stuff last night and I formed a group with my 2nd account.

I was unable to zone in cause it said “you are ineligible to participate in at least one encounter in this instance because you are already locked to an instance in which it has been defeated.”

We only had Sinestra up still, so this was confusing. But I dropped group and had my second account form the raid and I was able to zone in with my Sinestra lockout with no issues at all. I could even die and zone back in.

I also had one lockout where it said “3/5 bosses dead” even though we had killed heroic cho a few hours earlier.

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We tested today with other fresh char and cant use the same IDs on heroic, just normal mode. Cant zone in to raid and the number id is diferent so the game just blocked the character and saved the id.

Bug still happening… Just happened to us today and it’s after reset.

Still happening to us. Our second raid day is regularly broken.

Would enabling flex raid for heroic fix this? Being able to join a different heroic is a far smaller problem than completely breaking entire nights of progression.

Yup, BWD borked after coming back the day after killing H-atromedies

Yeah, had this issue today.

Broke again today.