Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2

I have the same issue on L54 Mage.
I had just installed a couple of new addons, and was going to experiment disabling them tomorrow. But it seems it’s not the addons.

The Bar is actually placed too low even if I weren’t using Action Bar 2. :man_facepalming:
It slightly overlaps the XP bar on < L85 characters, and would overlap the Reputation Bar if you use it.
I also noticed it seems to have some new background panel. :man_shrugging:
(Trainee commit without proper code review?)

Come on Blizz. This is going on 4 days now and has basically made hunters, locks, and frost mages unplayable. I know there is a band aid fix using Bartender but the game should be playable without it.


How is there no Blue Post yet or anything done at all to fix this. I actually like the original UI and don’t feel I should be forced to download another add-on just to play the game.


So sit back and wait some random time for Blizzard to fix it. No skin off my nose if the entitled scrubs put up with it.

Congratulations on making the dumbest comment on the internet. “hoW dARe yOu eXpECt blIZzaRd dO tHEiR JoB yOu enTItlEd scRUb!!”

You’re so busy trying to kiss Blizzard’s incompetent behind that you miss the entire point. I downloaded the stupid addon. Mainly because I need another addon like I need another hole in my head. It’s just ONE MORE THING in a long list of things that we the players have to do to get the game to work right. It’s not okay no matter how much you adore Blizzard. They aren’t the ones paying us, after all.

Let me call you the waaaambulance you butthurt scrub.

If the waaambulance service is anything like Blizzard, you should probably just plan on driving me yourself. Could be YEARS before they arrive.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to call Blizzard out for the lazy, incompetent business they are. You go ahead and sit atop your steed yelling, “Fair damsel Blizzard! I shall defend thee unto the death!” or whatever your weird obsession compels you to say.


/script PetActionBarFrame:ClearAllPoints(); PetActionBarFrame:SetScale(1); PetActionBarFrame:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”, UIParent, “BOTTOMLEFT”, 450, 135); PetActionBarFrame:SetUserPlaced(false);


You seriously need to learn to read dim bulb. At no point did I EVER defend blizzard. I just gave two options. Fix it yourself or wait some random time for blizzard to fix. So let me give you a piece of advice. Do not EVER try and say I said something I did not. So crawl back under your rock and practice your reading comprehension.

Sure you did:

You believe a customer who expects a company to fix their product is “entitled.” You believe a customer who states they are not responsible for fixing an incompetent company’s mistake is “whiny.” That’s absolutely, 100%, pure white knighting for Blizzard. There’s nothing else left.

Never have, never will Sir Yapsalot. I quoted you.

From the original post when I started this thread, I will repeat again… I play using GeForce now. I don’t care what you say it’s a good product… blizzard choose to have their game on the platform… I can not download any add ons using the program… regardless if I am the only one or not which I highly doubt out of the thousands of subscribers GeForce now has… the pet bar is completely broken for me and has been for 4 days now…

This is a blizzard issue plain and simple… you can put a bandaid on it sure and you can type a script in sure but I can not and unfortunately I can not play any pet class until they fix it… At this point since not one person from blizzard has responded to my post I guess it could be a very long time before they fix it…

I guess I’m asking for to much for a very large company with a lot of employees to actually work and fix their game on a regular basis. You may go ahead and trash talk as you always do on threads but plain and simple this is a blizzard problem and needs to be fixed by blizzard not the player base playing and paying for their game.


You don’t need an addon.
You can fix it using a macro as a temporary workaround.
A few have been posted in this thread already.

Here’s one that was posted recently. Though I’d delete the PetActionBarFrame:SetUserPlaced(false); bit at the end. It seems to trigger an internal error and not actually do anything.

Put it all on one line in a shared macro for all your characters, and run it each time you log in.

Here’s my own which is similar, with some explanatory notes.

/run PetActionBarFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", MainMenuBar, "TOPLEFT", 5, 50)
     ^a                ^b       ^c            ^d           ^e         ^f
  • ^a This is the name for the UI element that holds the entire pet action bar.
  • ^b The SetPoint() function moves the bar based on an anchor point of the bar, relative to a reference point on a different UI element.
  • ^c The anchor point of the PetActionBarFrame to use. Other options include but not limited to: "LEFT", "TOPRIGHT", "CENTER"
  • ^d The name of the reference frame. My macro as you can see, uses the main menu bar. Which means it’s position is based on where the main menu bar happens to be for whatever reason.
    • This has the advantage of not needing to call ClearAllPoints() because it’s linked to the main menu bar by default already.
    • Other macros use UIParent which locks it into a fixed position for the whole screen. So you need ClearAllPoints() to delink its position relative to the main menu bar.
    • In this case, your main menu bar never moves, so it doesn’t matter much which you use. It does affect what offset numbers you’ll need. However, you might find characters with a stance bar need a different global position than those without.
  • ^e The reference point of the reference frame.
  • ^f The x and y offsets between the 2 points. Negative numbers are allowed. And you can easily tweak these numbers to whatever you prefer.

Here’s another example: /run PetActionBarFrame:ClearAllPoints(); PetActionBarFrame:SetPoint("TOP", UIParent, "TOP", 0, -50) This places the bar a little lower, but near the top of the screen centre.

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This is still a problem. My hunter and warlock both have their pet bars covered by the extra action bars 2 and 3. I actually need the abilities that are placed on those bars.

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We know it’s a problem, everybody knows it’s a problem. The VERY simple fix to this problem, until Blizzard fixes it, is to download an action bar addon or the addon called Move Anything.

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Why can’t you type in a script? You can’t chat in game if you use Geforce now?

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You really are pathetic. Me saying you can wait for Blizzard to fix it is in no way defending Blizzard. It is stating reality. You really are a pointless scrub.

You’re pathetic. How many boosters you give to your kids?

After 3 tickets back and forth with blizz so far they are refusing to acknowledge this is a problem on their end and is being worked on…

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You’re not doing yourself any favours.
It’s easy to see the context of the post you’re quoting.
And blatantly obvious that you’re misrepresenting the extract you quoted.

For reference:

Pet bar still not working for me. Been 3 days now and blizzard have not done anything about it. Do they even know about this bug?

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