Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2

Hopefully get some sort of acknowledgement soon from blizz. Playing only through GeForce doesn’t give me any options other then to just not play at all. 1 single bug just broke all the pet classes.


Dang. I just respecced my DK to Unholy and got this. Pretty sad.

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Someone posted the following script on Reddit and it works like a charm (I made it into a macro so I can activate it anytime the pet bar hides behind action bars 2 and 3 again):

/script PetActionButton1:ClearAllPoints() PetActionButton1:SetPoint(“BOTTOMLEFT”,fpet,“BOTTOMLEFT”,400,100)

That is copied directly from my macro and works perfectly on my end.
Let me know if you have issues with it.


Thought I was going crazy last night so I’m glad to see others with the same issue. Hopefully Blizz fixes during maintenance today.

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The reason it might not work properly has something to do with this website/forum.

If it doesn’t work, head to the reddit page and copy it from there(first comment below the OP):

Note: In case you’re not happy with the positioning of the pet action bar, set by this script. You can easily adjust where it’s placed by changing the XY values at the end. Where it says ‘400,100’ in the script.

I set mine to ‘620,100’ which, for me, places the pet action bar in the center, just above my other action bars.


Excellent! Thank you, Ghorak!!

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I haven’t seen this issue yet, but I will check after the servers come up.


it still exists. gg

Actually insane they didn’t fix.

Paste the script from this post:


Just logged in after maintenance and I’m now having this problem on my warlock.

I am so thankful for the work arounds we, the players of WoW… keep finding but I am increasingly sad that we never get a response from Blizzard and it takes them so much time to fix things like this… or the player frames having no values on it. I get it… things break I am not upset about that it is how poorly they handle it. Again a great big Thank You to the people who help when they won’t.


The script works. I had to tweak it just a tad but it does work. Also, the MoveAny addon for Cata will allow you to move it as well.

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Is there a reason you guys are sticking with the standard Blizzard action bars? Dom/bartender are far superior.

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Kinda stuck until blizzard fixes… I can’t use add-ons playing through GeForce now and can’t copy and paste scripts. I’ll just move some skills around I guess so I can see pet bar again. It amazes me that this bug and many others currently were not in the og cataclysm release but blizzard has zero response to fix them in this new classic version.


How about they just fix their game that we pay for monthly? The fact that we have to use an addon or a script to fix the pet bar bug is truly insane.


fix my problem tell blizz fixes the essue , I installed addon called moveany. worked great.

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Or… and hear me out here. Rather than cry like a little girl, simply report the problem and get the addon to fix it. Best of both worlds, you get a better action bar setup AND you fix the problem that the outdated action bar UI has.

Then when it’s fixed, you can delete the superior action bars and go back to the old outdated and inferior blizzard action bars.

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F that. This some amateur crap.

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Yep. It is in fact stuck behind bars 2 and 3. Not downloading an addon to fix this. Blizzard please, if you could be bothered?

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